#Terminal Emulator for Android Terminal Emulator for Android is a terminal emulator for communicating with the built-in Android shell. It emulates a reasonably large subset of Digital Equipment Corporation VT-100 terminal codes, so that programs like "vi", "Emacs" and "NetHack" will display properly. This application was previously named "Android Terminal Emulator". Same great application, just with a new human-readable name. This code is based on the "Term" application which is included in the Android Open Source Project. (Which I also wrote. :-) ) [Download the Terminal Emulator for Android from Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jackpal.androidterm) If you are unable to use the Play Store, you can also [download from GitHub](http://jackpal.github.com/Android-Terminal-Emulator/downloads/Term.apk) Got questions? Please check out the [FAQ](http://github.com/jackpal/Android-Terminal-Emulator/wiki/Frequently-Asked-Questions) before emailing or adding an issue. Thanks! Please see the [Recent Updates](http://github.com/jackpal/Android-Terminal-Emulator/wiki/Recent-Updates) page for recent updates. Notice: Terminal Emulator for Android development is complete. I am still accepting new language translations and bug fixes, but I am not accepting new features. See [Wrapping up Development on Terminal Emulator for Android] (https://github.com/jackpal/Android-Terminal-Emulator/wiki/Wrapping-up-Development-on-Android-Terminal-Emulator) for details of the wrapping-up process.