# AppStream Generator AppStream is an effort to provide additional metadata and unique IDs for all software available in a Linux system. This repository contains the server-side of the AppStream infrastructure, a tool to generate metadata from distribution packages. You can find out more about AppStream collection metadata at [Freedesktop](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/appstream/docs/chap-CollectionData.html). The AppStream generator is currently primarily used by Debian, but is written in a distribution agnostic way. Backends only need to implement [two interfaces](src/asgen/backends/interfaces.d) to to be ready. If you are looking for the AppStream client-tools, the [AppStream repository](https://github.com/ximion/appstream) is where you want to go. ![AppStream Generator Logo](data/templates/default/static/img/asgen.png "AppStream Generator") ## Development [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ximion/appstream-generator.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/ximion/appstream-generator) ### Build dependencies * LDC[1] * Meson (>= 0.46) [2] * GLibD [3] * AppStream [4] * libarchive (>= 3.2) [5] * LMDB [6] * GirToD [7] * LibSoup * Cairo * GdkPixbuf 2.0 * RSvg 2.0 * FreeType * Fontconfig * Pango * Yarn (optional) [8] [1]: https://github.com/ldc-developers/ldc/releases [2]: http://mesonbuild.com/ [3]: https://github.com/gtkd-developers/GlibD [4]: https://github.com/ximion/appstream [5]: https://libarchive.org/ [6]: https://symas.com/lmdb/ [7]: https://github.com/gtkd-developers/gir-to-d [8]: https://yarnpkg.com/ On Debian and derivatives of it, all build requirements can be installed using the following command: ```ShellSession sudo apt install meson ldc gir-to-d libappstream-dev libsoup2.4-dev libarchive-dev \ libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev librsvg2-dev libcairo2-dev libfreetype6-dev libfontconfig1-dev \ libpango1.0-dev liblmdb-dev libglibd-2.0-dev ``` ### Build instructions To build the tool with Meson, create a `build` subdirectory, change into it and run `meson .. && ninja` to build. In summary: ```ShellSession $ mkdir build && cd build $ meson -Ddownload-js=true .. $ ninja $ sudo ninja install ``` We support several options to be set to influence the build. Change into the build directory and run `mesonconf` to see them all. You might want to perform an optimized debug build by passing `--buildtype=debugoptimized` to `meson` or just do a release build straight away with `--buildtype=release` in case you want to use the resulting binaries productively. By default, the build happens without optimizations which slows down the generator. ## Usage Take a look at the `docs/` directory in the source tree for information on how to use the generator and write configuration files for it. ## Hacking Pull-requests and patches are very welcome! If you are new to D, it is highly recommended to take a few minutes to look at the D tour to get a feeling of what the language can do: https://tour.dlang.org/