{ "internal-error": { "text": [ "A fatal problem appeared in the generator.", "Please report a bug: {{msg}}"], "severity": "error" }, "internal-unknown-tag": { "text": ["The generator emitted a tag '{{tag}}' which is unknown. This is a bug in the metadata generator, please", "file a bugreport."], "severity": "warning" }, "desktop-file-error": { "text": "Unable to read data from .desktop file: {{msg}}", "severity": "error" }, "metainfo-parsing-error": { "text": "Unable to parse AppStream upstream XML, the file is likely malformed.
Error: {{msg}}", "severity": "error" }, "icon-format-unsupported": { "text": "Icon file '{{icon_fname}}' uses an unsupported image file format.", "severity": "error" }, "icon-not-found": { "text": [ "The icon '{{icon_fname}}' was not found in the archive. This issue can have multiple reasons:", "", "To make the icon easier to find, place it in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/<size>/apps and ensure the Icon= value", "of the .desktop file is set correctly." ], "severity": "error" }, "gui-app-without-icon": { "text": [ "The component is a GUI application (application which has a .desktop file for the XDG menu and Type=Application),", "but we could not find a matching icon for this application." ], "severity": "error" }, "pkg-extract-error": { "text": "Could not extract file '{{fname}}' from package '{{pkg_fname}}'. Error: {{error}}", "severity": "error" }, "pkg-empty-file": { "text": ["Could not extract file '{{fname}}' from package '{{pkg_fname}}'.", "Icon data was empty. The icon might be a symbolic link pointing at a file outside of this package.", "Please do not do that and instead place the icons in their appropriate directories in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/."], "severity": "error" }, "image-write-error": { "text": ["Could write new image generated from '{{fname}}' (package '{{pkg_fname}}'): {{error}}"], "severity": "error" }, "metainfo-no-id": { "text": ["Could not determine an id for this component. The AppStream upstream metadata likely lacks an <id/> tag.
", "The identifier tag is essential for AppStream metadata, and must not be missing."], "severity": "error" }, "metainfo-validation-hint": { "text": "Validation of the metainfo file yielded the following hint: {{msg}}", "severity": "info" }, "metainfo-validation-issue": { "text": "Validation of the metainfo file found a problem: {{msg}}", "severity": "warning" }, "ancient-metadata": { "text": ["The AppStream metadata should be updated to follow a more recent version of the specification.
", "Please consult the XML quickstart guide for more information."], "severity": "warning" }, "metainfo-screenshot-but-no-image": { "text": ["A screenshot has been found for this component, but apparently it does not have any images defined."], "severity": "warning" }, "screenshot-download-error": { "text": ["Error while downloading screenshot from '{{url}}': {{error}}
", "This might be a temporary server issue."], "severity": "warning" }, "screenshot-save-error": { "text": "Unable to store screenshot for '{{url}}': {{error}}", "severity": "warning" }, "screenshot-no-thumbnails": { "text": ["No thumbnails have been generated for screenshot '{{url}}'.
", "This could be a sign of the original screenshot being too small."], "severity": "info" }, "no-install-candidate": { "text": "Component has no install candidate defined. A package must be associated with a package or bundle providing it.", "severity": "error" }, "metainfo-quoted-value": { "text": "The value {{value}} in '{{field}}' is quoted, which is likely unintentional.", "severity": "info" }, "metainfo-unknown-type": { "text": ["The component has an unknown type. Please make sure this component type is mentioned in the specification, and that the", "type= property of the component root-node of the metainfo file does not contain a typing error."], "severity": "error" }, "metainfo-no-name": { "text": "Component has no name specified. Ensure that the AppStream upstream metadata or the .desktop file (if there is any) specify a component name.", "severity": "error" }, "metainfo-no-summary": { "text": ["Component does not contain a short summary. Ensure that the components metainfo file has a summary tag, or that its .desktop file", "has a Comment= field set.
", "More information can be found in the Desktop Entry specification."], "severity": "error" }, "metainfo-duplicate-id": { "text": ["The component-id '{{cid}}' already appeared in package '{{pkgname}}'. AppStream-IDs must be unique, please resolve which package will be", "providing this component by default.
", "This issue may happen temporarily when metadata is moved from one package to another. In that case, ignore this issue, it will vanish soon."], "severity": "error" }, "missing-desktop-file": { "text": ["Found an AppStream upstream XML file, but the associated .desktop file is missing. This often happens when the .desktop file is renamed, but the", "<id/> tag of the AppStream metainfo file is not adapted as well, or if the metainfo file is located in a different package than the .desktop file.
", "Please fix the packaging or work with upstream to resolve this issue."], "severity": "error" }, "description-from-package": { "text": ["This component gets its description from the package it is located in.
", "This has several disadvantages, like poor markup, too technical descriptions for users of software centers, different components having the same description, etc.
", "Please consider writing a metainfo file for this component to take the long description upstream. In future, components without metainfo file might be dropped from the metadata entirely.", "You can consult the XML quickstart guides for more information on how to write a metainfo file."], "severity": "info" }, "metadata-serialization-failed": { "text": ["Could not create the final metadata. This could have many causes, including a generator bug, but the likeliest cause is an error in the input metadata.
", "The error message was: {{msg}}"], "severity": "error" }, "category-name-invalid": { "text": ["The category name {{category}} is invalid. The software can not be shown in this category."], "severity": "warning" }, "metainfo-license-invalid": { "text": ["The metainfo file does not seem to be licensed under a permissive license. Valid permissive licenses include FSFAP, CC0-1.0 or MIT.", "Permissive licenses are required to allow distributors to include the metadata in mixed data collections without the risk of license violations due to mutually incompatible licenses.", "If you think this message is an error and '{{license}}' is actually valid, please file a bug against AppStream."], "severity": "error" } }