2016-03-28 23:46:46 +02:00

248 lines
6.4 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2016 Matthias Klumpp <>
* Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the license, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this software. If not, see <>.
module ag.utils;
import std.stdio : writeln;
import std.string;
import std.ascii : letters, digits;
import std.conv : to;
import std.random : randomSample;
import std.range : chain;
import std.algorithm : startsWith;
import std.array : appender;
struct ImageSize
uint width;
uint height;
this (uint w, uint h)
width = w;
height = h;
this (uint s)
width = s;
height = s;
string toString () const
return format ("%sx%s", width, height);
uint toInt () const
if (width > height)
return width;
return height;
int opCmp (const ImageSize s) const
// only compares width, should be enough for now
if (this.width > s.width)
return 1;
if (this.width == s.width)
return 0;
return -1;
* Generate a random alphanumeric string.
string randomString (uint len)
auto asciiLetters = to! (dchar[]) (letters);
auto asciiDigits = to! (dchar[]) (digits);
if (len == 0)
len = 1;
auto res = to!string (randomSample (chain (asciiLetters, asciiDigits), len));
return res;
* Check if the locale is a valid locale which we want to include
* in the resulting metadata. Some locales added just for testing
* by upstreams should be filtered out.
bool localeValid (string locale)
switch (locale) {
case "x-test":
case "xx":
return false;
return true;
* Build a global component ID.
* The global-id is used as a global, unique identifier for this component.
* (while the component-ID is local, e.g. for one suite).
* Its primary usecase is to identify a media directory on the filesystem which is
* associated with this component.
string buildCptGlobalID (string cptid, string checksum, bool allowNoChecksum = false)
if (cptid is null)
return null;
if ((!allowNoChecksum) && (checksum is null))
return null;
if (checksum is null)
checksum = "";
string gid;
string[] parts = null;
if (startsWith (cptid, "org.", "net.", "com.", "io.", "edu.", "name.")) {
parts = cptid.split (".");
if ((parts !is null) && (parts.length > 2))
gid = format ("%s/%s/%s/%s", parts[0].toLower(), parts[1], join (parts[2..$], "."), checksum);
gid = format ("%s/%s/%s/%s", cptid[0].toLower(), cptid[0..2].toLower(), cptid, checksum);
return gid;
* Get the component-id back from a global component-id.
string getCidFromGlobalID (string gcid)
auto parts = gcid.split ("/");
if (parts.length != 4)
return null;
if (startsWith (parts[0], "org", "net", "com", "io", "edu.", "name")) {
return join (parts[0..3], ".");
return parts[2];
* Copy a directory using parallelism.
* Original (c) Jay Norwood
void copyDir (in string srcDir, in string destDir)
import std.file;
import std.path;
import std.parallelism;
auto deSrc = DirEntry (srcDir);
string[] files;
if (!exists (destDir)) {
mkdirRecurse (destDir); // makes dest root and all required parents
auto destDe = DirEntry (destDir);
if(!destDe.isDir ()) {
throw new FileException (, " is not a directory");
string destName = ~ '/';
string destRoot = destName;
if (!deSrc.isDir ()) {
std.file.copy (, destRoot);
} else {
auto srcLen =;
if (!std.file.exists (destRoot))
mkdir (destRoot);
// make an array of the regular files only, also create the directory structure
// Since it is SpanMode.breadth, we can just use mkdir
foreach (DirEntry e; dirEntries (, SpanMode.breadth, false)) {
if (attrIsDir (e.linkAttributes)) {
auto childDir = destRoot ~[srcLen..$];
mkdir (childDir);
} else {
files ~=;
// parallel foreach for regular files
foreach (fn; taskPool.parallel (files,100)) {
string dfn = destRoot ~ fn[srcLen..$];
std.file.copy (fn,dfn);
S escapeXml (S) (S s)
string r;
size_t lastI;
auto result = appender!S ();
foreach (i, c; s) {
switch (c) {
case '&': r = "&amp;"; break;
case '"': r = "&quot;"; break;
case '\'': r = "&apos;"; break;
case '<': r = "&lt;"; break;
case '>': r = "&gt;"; break;
default: continue;
// Replace with r
result.put (s[lastI .. i]);
result.put (r);
lastI = i + 1;
if (!
return s;
result.put (s[lastI .. $]);
writeln ("TEST: ", "GCID");
assert (buildCptGlobalID ("foobar.desktop", "DEADBEEF") == "f/fo/foobar.desktop/DEADBEEF");
assert (buildCptGlobalID ("org.gnome.yelp.desktop", "DEADBEEF") == "org/gnome/yelp.desktop/DEADBEEF");
assert (buildCptGlobalID ("noto-cjk.font", "DEADBEEF") == "n/no/noto-cjk.font/DEADBEEF");
assert (buildCptGlobalID ("io.sample.awesomeapp.sdk", "ABAD1DEA") == "io/sample/awesomeapp.sdk/ABAD1DEA");
assert (buildCptGlobalID ("io.sample.awesomeapp.sdk", null, true) == "io/sample/awesomeapp.sdk/");
assert (getCidFromGlobalID ("f/fo/foobar.desktop/DEADBEEF") == "foobar.desktop");
assert (getCidFromGlobalID ("org/gnome/yelp.desktop/DEADBEEF") == "org.gnome.yelp.desktop");
assert (ImageSize (80, 40).toString () == "80x40");
assert (ImageSize (1024, 420).toInt () == 1024);
assert (ImageSize (1024, 800) > ImageSize (64, 32));
assert (ImageSize (48) < ImageSize (64));