Adriaan de Groot f4034f629a CI: keep Esperanto in the "incomplete" list
- Since QLocale does not support Esperanto, we can't effectively load it.
2019-08-02 09:32:31 +02:00

97 lines
3.0 KiB

#! /usr/bin/env python
# Uses the Transifex API to get a list of enabled languages,
# and outputs CMake settings for inclusion into CMakeLists.txt.
import sys
def get_tx_credentials():
Gets the API token out of the user's .transifexrc (this is supposed
to be secure).
import configparser
import os
txconfig_name = os.path.expanduser("~/.transifexrc")
with open(txconfig_name, "r") as f:
parser = configparser.ConfigParser()
return parser.get("", "password")
except IOError as e:
return None
def output_langs(all_langs, label, filterfunc):
Output (via print) all of the languages in @p all_langs
that satisfy the translation-percentage filter @p filterfunc.
Prints a CMake set() command with the @p label as part
of the variable name.
Performs line-wrapping.
these_langs = [l for s, l in all_langs if filterfunc(s)]
out = " ".join(["set( _tx_%s" % label, " ".join(sorted(these_langs)), ")"])
width = 68
prefix = ""
while len(out) > width - len(prefix):
chunk = out[:out[:width].rfind(" ")]
print("%s%s" % (prefix, chunk))
out = out[len(chunk)+1:]
prefix = " "
print("%s%s" % (prefix, out))
def get_tx_stats(token):
Does an API request to Transifex with the given API @p token, getting
the translation statistics for the main body of texts. Then prints
out CMake settings to replace the _tx_* variables in CMakeLists.txt
according to standard criteria.
import requests
r = requests.get("", auth=("api", token))
if r.status_code != 200:
return 1
suppressed_languages = ( "es_ES", ) # In Transifex, but not used
# Some languages go into the "incomplete" list by definition,
# regardless of their completion status: this can have various reasons.
incomplete_languages = (
"eo", # Not supported by QLocale
all_langs = []
j = r.json()
languages = j["stats"]
print("# Total %d languages" % len(languages))
for lang_name in languages:
if lang_name in suppressed_languages:
stats = languages[lang_name]["translated"]["percentage"]
if lang_name in incomplete_languages:
stats = 0.0
all_langs.append((stats, lang_name))
output_langs(all_langs, "complete", lambda s : s == 1.0)
output_langs(all_langs, "good", lambda s : 1.0 > s >= 0.75)
output_langs(all_langs, "ok", lambda s : 0.75 > s >= 0.05)
output_langs(all_langs, "incomplete", lambda s : 0.05 > s)
return 0
def main():
cred = get_tx_credentials()
if cred:
return get_tx_stats(cred)
print("! Could not find API token in ~/.transifexrc")
return 1
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":