
190 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import pickle
import hashlib
import re
import markdown
from markdown.extensions import Extension
from pgpdump.packet import SignaturePacket
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.db import connections, router
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.utils.timezone import now
from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify
def cache_function_key(func, args, kwargs):
raw = [func.__name__, func.__module__, args, kwargs]
pickled = pickle.dumps(raw, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
key = hashlib.md5(pickled).hexdigest()
return 'cache_function.' + func.__name__ + '.' + key
def cache_function(length):
A variant of the snippet posted by Jeff Wheeler at
Caches a function, using the function and its arguments as the key, and the
return value as the value saved. It passes all arguments on to the
function, as it should.
The decorator itself takes a length argument, which is the number of
seconds the cache will keep the result around.
def decorator(func):
def inner_func(*args, **kwargs):
key = cache_function_key(func, args, kwargs)
value = cache.get(key)
if value is not None:
return value
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
cache.set(key, result, length)
return result
return inner_func
return decorator
def clear_cache_function(func, args, kwargs):
key = cache_function_key(func, args, kwargs)
def empty_response():
empty = HttpResponse('')
# designating response as 'streaming' forces ConditionalGetMiddleware to
# not add a 'Content-Length: 0' header
empty.streaming = True
return empty
# utility to make a pair of django choices
2023-05-19 04:45:41 -07:00
make_choice = lambda l: [(str(m), str(m)) for m in l] # noqa E741
def set_created_field(sender, **kwargs):
'''This will set the 'created' field on any object to the current UTC time
if it is unset.
Additionally, this will set the 'last_modified' field on any object to the
current UTC time on any save of the object.
For use as a pre_save signal handler.'''
obj = kwargs['instance']
time = now()
if hasattr(obj, 'created') and not obj.created:
obj.created = time
if hasattr(obj, 'last_modified'):
obj.last_modified = time
def find_unique_slug(model, title):
'''Attempt to find a unique slug for this model with given title.'''
existing = set(model.objects.values_list(
'slug', flat=True).order_by().distinct())
suffixed = slug = slugify(title)
suffix = 0
while suffixed in existing:
suffix += 1
suffixed = "%s-%d" % (slug, suffix)
return suffixed
def database_vendor(model, mode='read'):
if mode == 'read':
database = router.db_for_read(model)
elif mode == 'write':
database = router.db_for_write(model)
raise Exception('Invalid database mode specified')
return connections[database].vendor
class EscapeHtml(Extension):
2021-10-31 09:51:08 -07:00
def extendMarkdown(self, md):
def parse_markdown(text, allow_html=False):
if allow_html:
return markdown.markdown(text)
ext = [EscapeHtml()]
return markdown.markdown(text, extensions=ext)
def groupby_preserve_order(iterable, keyfunc):
'''Take an iterable and regroup using keyfunc to determine whether items
belong to the same group. The order of the iterable is preserved and
similar keys do not have to be consecutive. This means the earliest
occurrence of a given key will determine the order of the lists in the
returned list.'''
seen_keys = {}
result = []
for item in iterable:
key = keyfunc(item)
group = seen_keys.get(key, None)
if group is None:
group = []
seen_keys[key] = group
return result
def gitlab_project_name_to_path(name: str) -> str:
'''Convert a Gitlab project name to variant which the Gitlab encodes in
its url / API for example mysql++ becomes mysqlplusplus.'''
name = re.sub(r'([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\+([a-zA-Z]+)', r'\1-\2', name)
name = re.sub(r'\+', r'plus', name)
name = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]', r'-', name)
name = re.sub(r'[_\-]{2,}', r'-', name)
name = re.sub(r'^tree$', r'unix-tree', name)
return name
class PackageStandin(object):
'''Resembles a Package object, and has a few of the same fields, but is
really a link to a pkgbase that has no package with matching pkgname.'''
2021-10-31 09:51:08 -07:00
def __init__(self, package):
self.package = package
self.pkgname = package.pkgbase
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.package, name)
def get_absolute_url(self):
2020-10-03 21:59:41 -07:00
return f'/packages/{self.repo.name.lower()}/{self.arch.name}/{self.pkgname}/'
class DependStandin(object):
'''Resembles a Depend object, and has a few of the same fields, but is
really a link to a base package rather than a single package.'''
2021-10-31 09:51:08 -07:00
def __init__(self, depends):
self._depends = depends
first = depends[0]
self.name = first.name
self.version = first.version
self.comparison = first.comparison
self.description = first.description
self.deptype = first.deptype
self.pkg = first.pkg.base_package() or PackageStandin(first.pkg)
class SignatureWrapper(SignaturePacket):
'Decode key_id from raw SignaturePacket'
2021-10-31 09:51:08 -07:00
def __init__(self, packet):
for field in ("sig_version", "creation_time", "expiration_time"):
setattr(self, field, getattr(packet, field))
2019-02-08 10:02:09 -08:00
self.key_id = packet.key_id.decode() if packet.key_id else None
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