removed flag out of date from backend.

Flagging a package out of date is not needed in the backend. Backend only needs
to unflag.
This commit is contained in:
eliott 2008-04-28 18:08:54 -07:00
parent 7e62d7f4ba
commit 889d15406c
6 changed files with 2 additions and 98 deletions

View File

@ -135,44 +135,6 @@ def files(request, pkgid):
files = PackageFile.objects.filter(pkg=pkgid)
return render_response(request, 'packages/files.html', {'pkg':pkg,'files':files})
def flaghelp(request):
return render_response(request, 'packages/flaghelp.html')
def flag(request, pkgid):
pkg = get_object_or_404(Package, id=pkgid)
context = {'pkg': pkg}
if request.POST.has_key('confirmemail'):
email = request.POST['confirmemail']
if request.POST.has_key('usermessage'):
message = request.POST['usermessage']
message = None
# validate
errors = {}
validate(errors, 'Email Address', email, validators.isValidEmail, False, request)
if errors:
context['errors'] = errors
return render_response(request, 'packages/flag.html', context)
context['confirmemail'] = email
pkg.needupdate = 1
if pkg.maintainer_id > 0:
# send notification email to the maintainer
t = loader.get_template('packages/outofdate.txt')
c = Context({
'email': request.POST['confirmemail'],
'message': message,
'pkgname': pkg.pkgname,
'weburl': '' + str( + '/'
send_mail('arch: Package [%s] marked out-of-date' % pkg.pkgname,
'Arch Website Notification <>',
return render_response(request, 'packages/flag.html', context)
def unflag(request, pkgid):
pkg = get_object_or_404(Package, id=pkgid)
pkg.needupdate = 0

View File

@ -9,15 +9,12 @@ <h2 class="title">{{ pkg.pkgname }} {{ pkg.pkgver }}-{{ pkg.pkgrel }}</h2>
<ul class="small">
<li><a href="{{ pkg.pkgname }}/repos/{{|lower }}-{{|lower }}/">View SVN Entries</a></li>
<!-- <li><a href="/packages/files/{{ }}/">View File List</a></li> -->
{% if pkg.needupdate %}
<span style="font-size:x-small"><em>This package has been flagged out-of-date</em></span>
<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/packages/unflag/{{ }}/">Click here to unflag</a>
{% else %}
<a href="/packages/flag/{{ }}/" onclick="return !'/packages/flag/{{ }}/','FlagHelp','height=250,width=450,location=no,scrollbars=yes,menubars=no,toolbars=no,resizable=no');">Flag Package Out-of-Date</a>
<a href="/packages/flaghelp" onclick="return !'/packages/flaghelp','FlagHelp','height=250,width=450,location=no,scrollbars=yes,menubars=no,toolbars=no,resizable=no');"><span style="font-size:x-small">(?)</span></a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<form name="devaction" method="post" action="/packages/update/">

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
{% load validation %}
<head><title>Flagging Packages</title></head>
{% if errors %}
{% print_errors errors %}
{% endif %}
<span style="font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica">
{% if confirmemail %}
Thank you. Maintainers have been notified.
{% else %}
<form method="post" action=".">
Please confirm your flag request.<br />
<br />
Email Address: (required) <br />
<input type="text" name="confirmemail" size="40" maxlength="128" /><br />
<br />
Message to dev: (optional)<br />
<textarea name="usermessage" rows="3" cols="40"></textarea><br />
<input type="submit" value=" Confirm " />
{% endif %}

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
<head><title>Flagging Packages</title></head>
<span style="font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica">
If you notice that one of Arch's packages is out of date (ie, there is a newer
<b>stable</b> release available), then please notify us by using the <b>Flag</b>
button in the <i>Package Details</i> screen. This will notify the maintainer
responsible for that package so they can update it.
<b>Note:</b> Please do <i>not</i> use this facility if the package is broken!
Use the <a target="_blank" href=''>bugtracker</a> instead.

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
* Note: this is an automated message
{{ email }} wants to notify you that the following package may be out
of date:
{{ pkgname }} ({{ weburl }})
{% if message %}
The user provided the following additional text:
{{ message }}
{% endif %}

View File

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
urlpatterns = patterns('',
# Dynamic Stuff
(r'^packages/flag/(\d+)/$', 'archweb_dev.packages.views.flag'),
(r'^packages/flaghelp/$', 'archweb_dev.packages.views.flaghelp'),
(r'^packages/unflag/(\d+)/$', 'archweb_dev.packages.views.unflag'),
(r'^packages/files/(\d+)/$', 'archweb_dev.packages.views.files'),
(r'^packages/search/$', ''),