import datetime import json from urllib.parse import urlencode from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404 from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, redirect, render from django.utils.timezone import now from main.models import Package, PackageFile, Arch, Repo from main.utils import empty_response from mirrors.utils import get_mirror_url_for_download from ..models import Update from ..utils import get_group_info, PackageJSONEncoder def arch_plus_agnostic(arch): arches = [arch] arches.extend(Arch.objects.filter(agnostic=True).order_by()) return arches def split_package_details(request, name, repo, arch): '''Check if we have a split package (e.g. pkgbase) value matching this name. If so, we can show a listing page for the entire set of packages.''' arches = arch_plus_agnostic(arch) pkgs = Package.objects.normal().filter(pkgbase=name, repo__testing=repo.testing, repo__staging=repo.staging, arch__in=arches).order_by('pkgname') if not pkgs: return None # we have packages, but ensure at least one is in the given repo if not any(True for pkg in pkgs if pkg.repo == repo): return None context = { 'list_title': 'Split Package Details', 'name': name, 'arch': arch, 'packages': pkgs, } return render(request, 'packages/packages_list.html', context) CUTOFF = datetime.timedelta(days=60) def recently_removed_package(request, name, repo, arch, cutoff=CUTOFF): '''Check our packages update table to see if this package has existed in this repo before. If so, we can show a 410 Gone page and point the requester in the right direction.''' arches = arch_plus_agnostic(arch) match = Update.objects.select_related('arch', 'repo').filter( pkgname=name, repo=repo, arch__in=arches) if cutoff is not None: when = now() - cutoff match = match.filter(created__gte=when) try: update = match.latest() elsewhere = update.elsewhere() if len(elsewhere) == 0: elsewhere = update.replacements() if len(elsewhere) == 1: return redirect(elsewhere[0]) context = { 'update': update, 'elsewhere': elsewhere, 'name': name, 'version': update.old_version, 'arch': arch, 'repo': repo, } return render(request, 'packages/removed.html', context, status=410) except Update.DoesNotExist: return None def replaced_package(request, name, repo, arch): '''Check our package replacements to see if this is a package we used to have but no longer do.''' match = Package.objects.filter(replaces__name=name, repo=repo, arch=arch) if len(match) == 1: return redirect(match[0], permanent=True) elif len(match) > 1: context = { 'elsewhere': match, 'name': name, 'version': '', 'arch': arch, 'repo': repo, } return render(request, 'packages/removed.html', context, status=410) return None def redirect_agnostic(request, name, repo, arch): '''For arch='any' packages, we can issue a redirect to them if we have a single non-ambiguous option by changing the arch to match any arch-agnostic package.''' if not arch.agnostic: # limit to 2 results, we only need to know whether there is anything # except only one matching result pkgs = Package.objects.select_related( 'arch', 'repo', 'packager').filter(pkgname=name, repo=repo, arch__agnostic=True)[:2] if len(pkgs) == 1: return redirect(pkgs[0], permanent=True) return None def redirect_to_search(request, name, repo, arch): if request.GET.get('q'): name = request.GET.get('q') pkg_data = [ ('arch', arch.lower()), ('repo', repo.lower()), ('q', name), ] # only include non-blank values in the query we generate pkg_data = [(x, y.encode('utf-8')) for x, y in pkg_data if y] return redirect("/packages/?%s" % urlencode(pkg_data)) def details(request, name='', repo='', arch=''): if all([name, repo, arch]): arch_obj = get_object_or_404(Arch, name=arch) repo_obj = get_object_or_404(Repo, name__iexact=repo) try: pkg = Package.objects.select_related( 'arch', 'repo', 'packager').get(pkgname=name, repo=repo_obj, arch=arch_obj) if request.method == 'HEAD': return empty_response() return render(request, 'packages/details.html', {'pkg': pkg}) except Package.DoesNotExist: # attempt a variety of fallback options before 404ing options = (redirect_agnostic, split_package_details, recently_removed_package, replaced_package) for method in options: ret = method(request, name, repo_obj, arch_obj) if ret: return ret # we've tried everything at this point, nothing to see raise Http404 else: return redirect_to_search(request, name, repo, arch) def groups(request, arch=None): arches = [] if arch: get_object_or_404(Arch, name=arch, agnostic=False) arches.append(arch) grps = get_group_info(arches) context = { 'groups': grps, 'arch': arch, } return render(request, 'packages/groups.html', context) def group_details(request, arch, name): arch = get_object_or_404(Arch, name=arch) arches = arch_plus_agnostic(arch) pkgs = Package.objects.normal().filter( groups__name=name, arch__in=arches).order_by('pkgname') if not pkgs: raise Http404 context = { 'list_title': 'Group Details', 'name': name, 'arch': arch, 'packages': pkgs, } return render(request, 'packages/packages_list.html', context) def files(request, name, repo, arch): pkg = get_object_or_404(Package.objects.normal(), pkgname=name, repo__name__iexact=repo, arch__name=arch) # files are inserted in sorted order, so preserve that fileslist = PackageFile.objects.filter(pkg=pkg).order_by('id') dir_count = sum(1 for f in fileslist if f.is_directory) files_count = len(fileslist) - dir_count context = { 'pkg': pkg, 'files': fileslist, 'files_count': files_count, 'dir_count': dir_count, } template = 'packages/files.html' return render(request, template, context) def details_json(request, name, repo, arch): pkg = get_object_or_404(Package.objects.normal(), pkgname=name, repo__name__iexact=repo, arch__name=arch) to_json = json.dumps(pkg, ensure_ascii=False, cls=PackageJSONEncoder) return HttpResponse(to_json, content_type='application/json') def files_json(request, name, repo, arch): pkg = get_object_or_404(Package.objects.normal(), pkgname=name, repo__name__iexact=repo, arch__name=arch) # files are inserted in sorted order, so preserve that fileslist = PackageFile.objects.filter(pkg=pkg).order_by('id') dir_count = sum(1 for f in fileslist if f.is_directory) files_count = len(fileslist) - dir_count data = { 'pkgname': pkg.pkgname, 'repo':, 'arch':, 'pkg_last_update': pkg.last_update, 'files_last_update': pkg.files_last_update, 'files_count': files_count, 'dir_count': dir_count, 'files': fileslist, } to_json = json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False, cls=PackageJSONEncoder) return HttpResponse(to_json, content_type='application/json') def download(request, name, repo, arch): pkg = get_object_or_404(Package.objects.normal(), pkgname=name, repo__name__iexact=repo, arch__name=arch) url = get_mirror_url_for_download() if not url: raise Http404 arch = if pkg.arch.agnostic: # grab the first non-any arch to fake the download path arch = Arch.objects.exclude(agnostic=True)[0].name url = '{host}{repo}/os/{arch}/{filename}'.format(host=url.url,, arch=arch, filename=pkg.filename) return redirect(url) # vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et: