Johannes Löthberg 573f08be04 Stop loading cycle from future everywhere
It's available already since we're no longer in the past, and can't load
from future *in* the future.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Löthberg <johannes@kyriasis.com>
2018-04-08 12:51:19 +02:00

137 lines
5.7 KiB

{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load static from staticfiles %}
{% load package_extras %}
{% load todolists %}
{% block title %}Arch Linux - Todo: {{ list.name }}{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div id="dev-todo-details" class="box">
<h2>Todo List: {{ list.name }}</h2>
<ul class="admin-actions">
{% if perms.todolists.delete_todolist %}
<li><a href="/todo/{{ list.slug }}/delete/"
title="Delete this todo list">Delete Todo List</a></li>
{% endif %}
{% if perms.todolists.change_todolist %}
<li><a href="/todo/{{ list.slug }}/edit/"
title="Edit this todo list">Edit Todo List</a></li>
{% endif %}
<div class="todo-info">{{ list.created|date }} - {{ list.creator.get_full_name }}</div>
<div class="todo-description">
{{list.stripped_description|default:'(no description)'|urlize|linebreaks}}
<div class="todo-pkgbases">
<p>Link to lists of pkgbase values:</p>
<ul>{% for svn_root in svn_roots %}
<li><a href="pkgbases/{{ svn_root }}/">{{ svn_root }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}</ul>
<div class="box filter-criteria">
<h3>Filter Todo List Packages</h3>
<form id="todolist_filter" method="post" action=".">
<legend>Select filter criteria</legend>
{% for arch in arches %}
<div><label for="id_arch_{{ arch.name }}" title="Architecture {{ arch.name }}">Arch {{ arch.name }}</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="arch_{{ arch.name }}" id="id_arch_{{ arch.name }}" class="arch_filter" value="{{ arch.name }}" checked="checked"/></div>
{% endfor %}
{% for repo in repos %}
<div><label for="id_repo_{{ repo.name|lower }}" title="Target Repository {{ repo.name }}">[{{ repo.name|lower }}]</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="repo_{{ repo.name|lower }}" id="id_repo_{{ repo.name|lower }}" class="repo_filter" value="{{ repo.name|lower }}" checked="checked"/></div>
{% endfor %}
{% if user.is_authenticated %}
<div><label for="id_mine_only" title="Show only packages maintained by me">Only Mine</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="mine_only" id="id_mine_only" value="mine_only"/></div>
{% endif %}
<div><label for="id_incomplete" title="Packages not yet completed">Only Incomplete</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="incomplete" id="id_incomplete" value="incomplete"/></div>
<div ><label>&nbsp;</label><input title="Reset search criteria" type="button" id="criteria_reset" value="Reset"/></div>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div id="filter-info">
<span id="filter-count">{{ list.packages|length }}</span> packages displayed out of
{{ list.packages|length }} total package{{ list.packages|pluralize }}.
<table id="dev-todo-pkglist" class="results todo-table">
<th>Current Version</th>
<th>Staging Version</th>
<th>Last Touched By</th>
{% for pkg in list.packages %}
<tr class="{% cycle 'odd' 'even' %}{% if user in pkg.maintainers %} mine{% endif %} {{ pkg.arch.name }} {{ pkg.repo.name|lower }}">
<td>{{ pkg.arch.name }}</td>
<td>{{ pkg.repo.name|capfirst }}</td>
<td>{% todopkg_details_link pkg %}</td>
{% if pkg.pkg.flag_date %}
<td><span class="flagged">{{ pkg.pkg.full_version }}</span></td>
{% elif pkg.pkg %}
<td>{{ pkg.pkg.full_version }}</td>
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% with staging=pkg.staging %}
<td>{% if staging %}{% pkg_details_link staging staging.full_version %}{% endif %}</td>
{% endwith %}
<td>{{ pkg.maintainers|join:', ' }}</td>
{% if perms.todolists.change_todolistpackage %}
<a href="/todo/{{ list.slug }}/flag/{{ pkg.id }}/"
class="status-link {{ pkg.status_css_class }}" title="Toggle completion status">{{ pkg.get_status_display }}</a>
{% else %}
<span class="{{ pkg.status_css_class }}">{{ pkg.get_status_display }}</span>
{% endif %}
<td>{{ pkg.user|default:"" }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% block script_block %}
{% load cdn %}{% jquery %}{% jquery_tablesorter %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static "archweb.js" %}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
widgets: ['zebra'],
sortList: [[2,0], [0,0]],
headers: { 6: { sorter: 'todostatus' } }
$(document).ready(function() {
var filter_func = function() {
filter_pkgs_list('#todolist_filter', '#dev-todo-pkglist tbody');
filter_todolist_save({{ list.id }});
$('#todolist_filter input').change(filter_func);
$('#criteria_reset').click(function() { filter_pkgs_reset(filter_func); });
// fire function on page load to ensure the current form selections take effect
filter_todolist_load({{ list.id }});
{% endblock %}