Dan McGee 7fc8da7d95 Show replacments for package if it has been removed
This covers the case where we can't find the package in any other
repositories, but it was removed recently enough that we have a found
package update object.

Signed-off-by: Dan McGee <dan@archlinux.org>
2013-04-13 13:05:02 -05:00

235 lines
8.2 KiB

import datetime
import json
from urllib import urlencode
from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, redirect, render
from django.utils.timezone import now
from main.models import Package, PackageFile, Arch, Repo
from mirrors.utils import get_mirror_url_for_download
from ..models import Update
from ..utils import get_group_info, PackageJSONEncoder
def arch_plus_agnostic(arch):
arches = [ arch ]
return arches
def split_package_details(request, name, repo, arch):
'''Check if we have a split package (e.g. pkgbase) value matching this
name. If so, we can show a listing page for the entire set of packages.'''
arches = arch_plus_agnostic(arch)
pkgs = Package.objects.normal().filter(pkgbase=name,
repo__testing=repo.testing, repo__staging=repo.staging,
if len(pkgs) == 0:
return None
# we have packages, but ensure at least one is in the given repo
if not any(True for pkg in pkgs if pkg.repo == repo):
return None
context = {
'list_title': 'Split Package Details',
'name': name,
'arch': arch,
'packages': pkgs,
return render(request, 'packages/packages_list.html', context)
CUTOFF = datetime.timedelta(days=60)
def recently_removed_package(request, name, repo, arch, cutoff=CUTOFF):
'''Check our packages update table to see if this package has existed in
this repo before. If so, we can show a 410 Gone page and point the
requester in the right direction.'''
arches = arch_plus_agnostic(arch)
match = Update.objects.select_related('arch', 'repo').filter(
pkgname=name, repo=repo, arch__in=arches)
if cutoff is not None:
when = now() - cutoff
match = match.filter(created__gte=when)
update = match.latest()
elsewhere = update.elsewhere()
if len(elsewhere) == 0:
elsewhere = update.replacements()
if len(elsewhere) == 1:
return redirect(elsewhere[0])
context = {
'update': update,
'elsewhere': elsewhere,
'name': name,
'version': update.old_version,
'arch': arch,
'repo': repo,
return render(request, 'packages/removed.html', context, status=410)
except Update.DoesNotExist:
return None
def replaced_package(request, name, repo, arch):
'''Check our package replacements to see if this is a package we used to
have but no longer do.'''
match = Package.objects.filter(replaces__name=name, repo=repo, arch=arch)
if len(match) == 1:
return redirect(match[0], permanent=True)
elif len(match) > 1:
context = {
'elsewhere': match,
'name': name,
'version': '',
'arch': arch,
'repo': repo,
return render(request, 'packages/removed.html', context, status=410)
return None
def redirect_agnostic(request, name, repo, arch):
'''For arch='any' packages, we can issue a redirect to them if we have a
single non-ambiguous option by changing the arch to match any arch-agnostic
if not arch.agnostic:
# limit to 2 results, we only need to know whether there is anything
# except only one matching result
pkgs = Package.objects.select_related(
'arch', 'repo', 'packager').filter(pkgname=name,
repo=repo, arch__agnostic=True)[:2]
if len(pkgs) == 1:
return redirect(pkgs[0], permanent=True)
return None
def redirect_to_search(request, name, repo, arch):
if request.GET.get('q'):
name = request.GET.get('q')
pkg_data = [
('arch', arch.lower()),
('repo', repo.lower()),
('q', name),
# only include non-blank values in the query we generate
pkg_data = [(x, y.encode('utf-8')) for x, y in pkg_data if y]
return redirect("/packages/?%s" % urlencode(pkg_data))
def details(request, name='', repo='', arch=''):
if all([name, repo, arch]):
arch_obj = get_object_or_404(Arch, name=arch)
repo_obj = get_object_or_404(Repo, name__iexact=repo)
pkg = Package.objects.select_related(
'arch', 'repo', 'packager').get(pkgname=name,
repo=repo_obj, arch=arch_obj)
return render(request, 'packages/details.html', {'pkg': pkg})
except Package.DoesNotExist:
# attempt a variety of fallback options before 404ing
options = (redirect_agnostic, split_package_details,
recently_removed_package, replaced_package)
for method in options:
ret = method(request, name, repo_obj, arch_obj)
if ret:
return ret
# we've tried everything at this point, nothing to see
raise Http404
return redirect_to_search(request, name, repo, arch)
def groups(request, arch=None):
arches = []
if arch:
get_object_or_404(Arch, name=arch, agnostic=False)
grps = get_group_info(arches)
context = {
'groups': grps,
'arch': arch,
return render(request, 'packages/groups.html', context)
def group_details(request, arch, name):
arch = get_object_or_404(Arch, name=arch)
arches = arch_plus_agnostic(arch)
pkgs = Package.objects.normal().filter(
groups__name=name, arch__in=arches).order_by('pkgname')
if len(pkgs) == 0:
raise Http404
context = {
'list_title': 'Group Details',
'name': name,
'arch': arch,
'packages': pkgs,
return render(request, 'packages/packages_list.html', context)
def files(request, name, repo, arch):
pkg = get_object_or_404(Package.objects.normal(),
pkgname=name, repo__name__iexact=repo, arch__name=arch)
# files are inserted in sorted order, so preserve that
fileslist = PackageFile.objects.filter(pkg=pkg).order_by('id')
dir_count = sum(1 for f in fileslist if f.is_directory)
files_count = len(fileslist) - dir_count
context = {
'pkg': pkg,
'files': fileslist,
'files_count': files_count,
'dir_count': dir_count,
template = 'packages/files.html'
return render(request, template, context)
def details_json(request, name, repo, arch):
pkg = get_object_or_404(Package.objects.normal(),
pkgname=name, repo__name__iexact=repo, arch__name=arch)
to_json = json.dumps(pkg, ensure_ascii=False, cls=PackageJSONEncoder)
return HttpResponse(to_json, content_type='application/json')
def files_json(request, name, repo, arch):
pkg = get_object_or_404(Package.objects.normal(),
pkgname=name, repo__name__iexact=repo, arch__name=arch)
# files are inserted in sorted order, so preserve that
fileslist = PackageFile.objects.filter(pkg=pkg).order_by('id')
dir_count = sum(1 for f in fileslist if f.is_directory)
files_count = len(fileslist) - dir_count
data = {
'pkgname': pkg.pkgname,
'repo': pkg.repo.name.lower(),
'arch': pkg.arch.name.lower(),
'pkg_last_update': pkg.last_update,
'files_last_update': pkg.files_last_update,
'files_count': files_count,
'dir_count': dir_count,
'files': fileslist,
to_json = json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False, cls=PackageJSONEncoder)
return HttpResponse(to_json, content_type='application/json')
def download(request, name, repo, arch):
pkg = get_object_or_404(Package.objects.normal(),
pkgname=name, repo__name__iexact=repo, arch__name=arch)
url = get_mirror_url_for_download()
if not url:
raise Http404
arch = pkg.arch.name
if pkg.arch.agnostic:
# grab the first non-any arch to fake the download path
arch = Arch.objects.exclude(agnostic=True)[0].name
values = {
url = '{host}{repo}/os/{arch}/{filename}'.format(host=url.url,
repo=pkg.repo.name.lower(), arch=arch, filename=pkg.filename)
return redirect(url)
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