// Tests for the -*- C++ -*- string classes. // Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation // This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library. This library is free // software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of // the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software // Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free // Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #include #include #include #include string X = "Hello"; string Y = "world"; string N = "123"; string c; const char* s = ","; void decltest() { string x; cout << "an empty string:" << x << "\n"; assert(x == ""); string y = "Hello"; cout << "A string initialized to Hello:" << y << "\n"; assert(y == "Hello"); if (y[y.length()-1] == 'o') y = y + '\n'; assert(y == "Hello\n"); y = "Hello"; string a = y; cout << "A string initialized to previous string:" << a << "\n"; assert(a == "Hello"); assert(a == y); string b (a, 1, 2); cout << "A string initialized to (previous string, 1, 2):" << b << "\n"; assert(b == "el"); char ch = '@'; string z (1, ch); cout << "A string initialized to @:" << z << "\n"; assert (z == "@"); string n ("20"); cout << "A string initialized to 20:" << n << "\n"; assert(n == "20"); int i = atoi(n.c_str ()); double f = atof(n.c_str ()); cout << "n = " << n << " atoi(n) = " << i << " atof(n) = " << f << "\n"; assert(i == 20); assert(f == 20); } void cattest() { string x = X; string y = Y; string z = x + y; cout << "z = x + y = " << z << "\n"; assert(z == "Helloworld"); x += y; cout << "x += y; x = " << x << "\n"; assert(x == "Helloworld"); y = Y; x = X; y.insert (0, x); cout << "y.insert (0, x); y = " << y << "\n"; assert(y == "Helloworld"); y = Y; x = X; x = x + y + x; cout << "x = x + y + x; x = " << x << "\n"; assert(x == "HelloworldHello"); y = Y; x = X; x = y + x + x; cout << "x = y + x + x; x = " << x << "\n"; assert(x == "worldHelloHello"); x = X; y = Y; z = x + s + ' ' + y.substr (y.find ('w'), 1) + y.substr (y.find ('w') + 1) + "."; cout << "z = x + s + + y.substr (y.find (w), 1) + y.substr (y.find (w) + 1) + . = " << z << "\n"; assert(z == "Hello, world."); } void comparetest() { string x = X; string y = Y; string n = N; string z = x + y; assert(x != y); assert(x == "Hello"); assert(x != z.substr (0, 4)); assert(x.compare (y) < 0); assert(x.compare (z.substr (0, 6)) < 0); assert(x.find ("lo") == 3); assert(x.find ("l", 2) == 2); assert(x.rfind ("l") == 3); } void substrtest() { string x = X; char ch = x[0]; cout << "ch = x[0] = " << ch << "\n"; assert(ch == 'H'); string z = x.substr (2, 3); cout << "z = x.substr (2, 3) = " << z << "\n"; assert(z == "llo"); x.replace (2, 2, "r"); cout << "x.replace (2, 2, r); x = " << x << "\n"; assert(x == "Hero"); x = X; x.replace (0, 1, 'j'); cout << "x.replace (0, 1, 'j'); x = " << x << "\n"; assert(x == "jello"); } void iotest() { string z; cout << "enter a word:"; cin >> z; cout << "word =" << z << " "; cout << "length = " << z.length() << "\n"; } void identitytest(string a, string b) { string x = a; string y = b; x += b; y.insert (0, a); assert((a + b) == x); assert((a + b) == y); assert(x == y); assert((a + b + a) == (a + (b + a))); x.remove (x.rfind (b)); assert(x == a); y.replace (0, y.rfind (b), b); assert(y == (b + b)); y.replace (y.find (b), b.length (), a); assert(y == (a + b)); } int main() { decltest(); cattest(); comparetest(); substrtest(); identitytest(X, X); identitytest(X, Y); identitytest(X+Y+N+X+Y+N, "A string that will be used in identitytest but is otherwise just another useless string."); iotest(); cout << "\nEnd of test\n"; return 0; }