How can I help?

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How can I help?

Anyone interested in PackageKit development is invited to join the channel #PackageKit on freenode. We are a friendly bunch, and can answer questions on backends, GUI's or anything else PackageKit related.

There is also a subscription-only mailing list where we discuss PackageKit development, patches and future development. All commits are sent to this list as well, so we can audit any commits for bugs or security flaws.

You can file bugs, or track the status at

If you want to write a backend, you can see the developer information, or you can checkout the source and see the docbook files in doc. Use the FAQ and mailing list for questions, and try to use existing backends as a template for what you are trying to do.


If PackageKit cannot do what you need then please ask on the mailing list. It might already be on the TODO, or we might have to slightly tweak the API to make it possible. For instance, instead of using PolicyKit you might want to use RBAC which we can quite easy add configure #ifdef's for.

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