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<chapter id="introduction">
<title>PackageKit Introduction</title>
<sect1 id="introduction-description">
<title>Overall Description</title>
PackageKit is a small open source systems abstracts out common package
management tasks such as:
Checking for updates and installing in the background.
Automatically installing new or add-on software.
Monitoring the state of the system.
PackageKit is a modular design with an asyncronous API for client programs,
a flexible queing module, and run-time selectable backends.
<mediaobject id="pk-structure">
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PackageKit is GPL licensed.
PackageKit comprises:
The <literal>packagekitd</literal> system daemon which runs using
system activation as the root user and queues and performs the package
actions. It quits after a small period of inactivity.
The <literal>pkcon</literal> text client access program.
This allows you to interact with PackageKit on the command line
either in an async or sync mode. e.g.
<literal>pkcon async check updates</literal> or
<literal>pkcon sync search description power</literal>.
The <literal>pkmon</literal> text client monitor program.
This allows you to monitor what PackageKit is doing on the command
What PackageKit is not:
A huge daemon with lots of dependencies.
API or ABI stable. Expect the ABI and API to change on a regular
basis until we ship 1.0.0.
Targeted to a particular architecture or platform.
Produced by any one vendor.
There are many contributors helping to get this done.
<sect1 id="introduction-backends">
The following sections explain what a backend is, and how it is implimented.
<sect2 id="introduction-backends-overview">
A backend is just a compiled <literal>.so</literal> object that is
loaded at runtime and provides an interface to the underlying package
A backend converts an async request into either a new thread which
in the same process, or using external "glue" files that can be written
in any language.
Please see the <literal>helpers/BACKENDS</literal> file for the current
status of the existing backends.
Backend maintainers, please keep this file updated.
<sect2 id="introduction-backends-compiled-backends">
<title>Compiled backeds</title>
If you have got a C or C++ binding for your package system then you can
use a compiled backend, which is more efficient than using helpers as
described below.
You can include the headers in the backend (with extra libraries) and
then just write the simple code to interface with the set methods of
A C example can be found in <literal>backends/box</literal> and a
C++ example in <literal>backends/apt</literal>.
You will have to use threading if your backend does not support async
operation as requests have to return immediatly.
This is very important. Do any significant processing in a thread, and
certainly don't return package results without creating a thread.
By keeping the backends async we can make sure that there is no blocking
which means the command line and UI do not freeze.
<sect2 id="introduction-backends-helpers">
<title>Backends with helpers</title>
If you do not have a C or C++ language binding PackageKit executes
helper scripts written in pretty much any language.
It then watches the standard out and standard error and parses the
output into compiled backend commands.
This means a python library can be interfaced easily with a C backend.
Even when using helpers, a compiled backed is still used for two reasons:
It is still needed for the dlopen internally in PackageKit.
You can add cleverness in the C backend that you might not want to
do in the scripted backend, for example using a hashtable in C
rather than checking all the names in awk.
<sect1 id="introduction-ideas">
<title>Important Ideas</title>
The following sections explain key concepts used internally in PackageKit.
<sect2 id="introduction-ideas-packageid">
<title>Package ID</title>
One important idea is the <literal>package_id</literal>.
This is the <literal>name;version;arch;data</literal> in
a single string and is meant to represent a single package.
This is important when multiple versions of a package are installed and
only one is removed.
The <literal>package_id</literal> is parsed and checked carefully in
the helper code.
The package arch and data is optional, but 3 <literal>;</literal>'s must
be present.
For instance, <literal>gnome-keyring-manager;2.18.0;;</literal> is
valid but <literal>gnome-keyring-manager;2.18.0</literal> is not.
The data field can be used for the repository name or any other purpose.
It is designed to make the life of a backend writer a little bit easier.
The backend must ensure that it only matches on one single package.
A single package_id must be enough to uniquely identify a single object
in any repository used on the system.
<sect2 id="introduction-ideas-filters">
Search filtering on the name is done in the backend for efficiency reasons.
This can be added into the compiled backend if this is not possible
in any new backend design.
Filter options are:
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry><literal>installed</literal> or <literal>~installed</literal></entry>
<entry>If the package is installed on the system</entry>
<entry><literal>devel</literal> or <literal>~devel</literal></entry>
<entry>Development packages typically end -devel, -dgb and -static.</entry>
<entry><literal>gui</literal> or <literal>~gui</literal></entry>
<entry>GUI programs typically depend on gtk, libkde or libxfce.</entry>
So valid options would be:
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>All packages installed or available with no filtering</entry>
<entry>All non-installed development packages</entry>
<entry>All installed non-development packages</entry>
<entry>All non-installed, non-devel gui programs.</entry>
<sect2 id="introduction-errors">
<title>Error Enums</title>
If you have to handle an error, try to use <literal>internal-error</literal>
as little as possible.
Just ask on the mailing list, and we can add some more error enums to
cover the type of error in an abstract way as possible.
Every error should have an enumerated type
(e.g. <literal>out-of-memory</literal>) and also an error dscription.
The error description is not translated and not converted into the users
The error description should be descriptive, as it's for power users
and people trying to debug the problem.
For instance, "Out of memory" is not helpful as an error description,
but "Could not create database index" is.
For the description use <literal>;</literal> to seporate the lines if
The following error enumerated types are available for use in all
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>There is an out of memory condition</entry>
<entry>There is no network connection</entry>
Not supported by the backend.
NOTE: You shouldn't be setting non-NULL in the compiled
backend symbol table if you find yourself using this.
There was an unspecified internal error.
NOTE: Please try and be more specific.
If you are using this then we should probably add a new type.
<entry>There was a GPG failure in the transaction</entry>
<entry>The package ID is not valid for this transaction</entry>
The package that is trying to be removed or updated is not
The package that is trying to be installed or updated is already
<entry>A package failed to download correctly</entry>
<entry>Dependancy resolution failed</entry>
The filter was invalid.
NOTE: syntax checking is done in the backend loader, so you
should only use this if the filter is not supported by the
<entry>Failed to create a thread</entry>
<entry>There was a generic transaction error</entry>
<sect2 id="introduction-group-type">
<title>Group type</title>
Groups are enumerated for localisation.
Backends should try to put packages in different groups if possible,
else just don't advertise SearchGroup and the options should not be
shown in the UI.
The following group enumerated types are available:
<tgroup cols="2">
<sect2 id="introduction-cancellation">
If you have a multipart transaction that can be aborted in one phase but
not another then the AllowInterrupt signal can be sent.
This allows for example the yum download to be cancelled, but not the
install transaction.
By cancelling a job all subtransactions are killed.
By default actions cannot be cancelled unless enabled in the compiled backend.
Use <literal>AllowInterrupt(true)</literal> to enable cancellation
and <literal>AllowInterrupt(false)</literal> to disable it.
This can be done for any job type.
<sect2 id="introduction-ideas-transactionid">
<title>Transaction ID</title>
A <literal>transaction_id</literal> is a unique identifier that
identifies the present or past transaction.
A transaction is made up of one or more sub-transactions.
A transaction has one <literal>role</literal> for the entire lifetime,
but the transaction can different values of <literal>status</literal>
as the transaction is processed.
For example, if the user "Installed OpenOffice" and the backend has to:
update libxml as a dependancy
install java as dependancy
install openoffice-bin
install openoffice-clipart
This is one single transaction with the role <literal>install</literal>,
with 4 different sub-transactions.
This allows the user to rollback transactions with selected backends,
rather than select sub-transactions which may need complex complict
The <literal>transaction_id</literal> must be of the format
<literal>job;identifier;data</literal> where the daemon controls
all parameters.
<literal>job</literal> is a monotonically updating number and is
retained over reboots.
<literal>identifier</literal> is random data used by the daemon to
ensure jobs started in parallel cannot race, and also to make a
malicious client program harder to write.
<literal>data</literal> can be used for refcounting in the backend or
for any other purpose.
It is designed to make the life of a backend writer a little bit easier.
An example <literal>transaction_id</literal> would be
<sect2 id="config-main">
<title>Daemon Config Options</title>
The config file <literal>/etc/PackageKit.conf</literal>allows to the
administrator to change system daemon options.
In normal use this file does not have to be changed, but it may be
useful to people debugging the daemon or developing backends.
The options are:
<sect3 id="config-main-logging">
This logs all transactions to a database so old transactions can be viewed.
<sect3 id="config-main-timeout">
This is the time that the daemon waits when idle before shutting down.
A smaller number will result in slower response times when running
many transactions in a small amount of time.
A longer timeout will lock the underlying packaging backend for longer,
although the daemon will start and stop less often.
<sect3 id="config-main-default">
The default backend that the daemon should use.
The default is set at compile time to the
<literal>--default-backend=</literal> configure setting.
<sect1 id="api-method-reference">
<title>API Method Reference</title>
Methods used by the backends are as follows:
<sect2 id="api-search-name">
<title>Search Name</title>
The arguments are:
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>A single word search term with no wildcard chars.</entry>
Do not refresh the package cache. This should be fast.
This method typically emits
<literal>Error</literal> and
<sect2 id="api-search-group">
<title>Search Group</title>
The arguments are:
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>An enumerated group_type, or <literal>unknown</literal>.</entry>
Do not refresh the package cache. This should be fast.
This method typically emits
<literal>Error</literal> and
<sect2 id="api-search-details">
<title>Search Details</title>
The arguments are:
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>A single word search term with no wildcard chars.</entry>
Do not refresh the package cache. This should be fast.
This is very similar to find-package.
This should search as much data as possible, including, if possible
repo names, package summaries, descriptions and urls.
This method typically emits
<literal>Error</literal> and
<sect2 id="api-search-file">
<title>Search File</title>
The arguments are:
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>A single word search term with no wildcard chars.</entry>
This should search for files.
This should allow an application to find out what package owns
a file on the system.
This method typically emits
<literal>Error</literal> and
<sect2 id="api-install-package">
<title>Install Package</title>
The installer should always install extra packages automatically
as the use could call GetDepends prior to the install if a confirmation
is required in the UI.
The arguments are:
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>A single, valid, package ID.</entry>
This should search for files.
This should allow an application to find out what package owns
a file on the system.
This method typically emits
<literal>Status</literal> and
<literal>Error</literal> and
<sect2 id="api-install-file">
<title>Install File</title>
The installer should always install extra packages automatically
as the use could call GetDepends prior to the install if a confirmation
is required in the UI.
The arguments are:
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>A full path and filename to a single package.</entry>
This method typically emits
<literal>Status</literal> and
<literal>Error</literal> and
<sect2 id="api-remove">
<title>Remove Package</title>
The arguments are:
<tgroup cols="2">
Either "yes" or "no". If yes allow other packages to be
removed with the package, but "no" should cause the script
to abort if other packages are dependant on the package.
<entry>A single, valid, package ID.</entry>
This method typically emits
<literal>Status</literal> and
<literal>Error</literal> and
<sect2 id="api-get-depends">
<title>Get Depends</title>
GetDepends should return packages that this package depends on.
The arguments are:
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>A single, valid, package ID.</entry>
This method typically emits
<literal>Status</literal> and
<literal>Error</literal> and
<sect2 id="api-resolve">
Resolve turns a single package name into a package_id suitable for the
other methods.
The arguments are:
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>A single package name, e.g. <literal>art-clipart</literal>.</entry>
This method typically emits
<literal>Error</literal> and
<sect2 id="api-get-update-detail">
<title>Get Update Detail</title>
GetUpdateDetail should return details about the update.
The arguments are:
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>A single, valid, package ID.</entry>
This method typically emits
<literal>UpdateDetail</literal> and
<sect2 id="api-get-requires">
<title>Get Requires</title>
GetRequires should return packages that depend on this package.
This is useful to know, as if <literal>package_id</literal> is being
removed, we can warn the user what else would be removed.
The arguments are:
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>A single, valid, package ID.</entry>
This method typically emits
<literal>Status</literal> and
<literal>Error</literal> and
<sect2 id="api-get-description">
<title>Get Description</title>
GetDescription should return the description of that
The arguments are:
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>A single, valid, package ID.</entry>
This method typically emits
<literal>Status</literal> and
<literal>Error</literal> and
<sect2 id="api-update">
<title>Update Package</title>
The installer should always update extra packages automatically.
The arguments are:
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>A single, valid, package ID.</entry>
This should search for files.
This should allow an application to find out what package owns
a file on the system.
This method typically emits
<literal>Status</literal> and
<literal>Error</literal> and
<sect2 id="api-update-system">
<title>Update System</title>
There are no arguments.
This method typically emits
<literal>Error</literal> and
<literal>RequireRestart</literal> and
<sect2 id="api-get-updates">
<title>Get Updates</title>
There are no arguments.
This method typically emits
<literal>Error</literal> and
<sect2 id="api-refresh-cache">
<title>Refresh Cache</title>
There are no arguments.
This should search for files.
This should allow an application to find out what package owns
a file on the system.
This method typically emits
<literal>Error</literal> and
<sect1 id="api-signal-reference">
<title>API Signal Reference</title>
Signals used by the backends are as follows:
<sect2 id="api-percentage">
This is optional.
Backends should send the DBUS signal NoPercentageUpdates or use
no-percentage-updates if the remaining position cannot be calculated.
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>The percentage complete of the entire transaction</entry>
<sect2 id="api-subpercentage">
This is optional.
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>Percentage complete of the sub-transaction.</entry>
<sect2 id="api-no-percentage-updates">
This is optional and signifies that the helper is no longer able to
send percentage updates.
<sect2 id="api-error">
Errors should only be send on fatal abortion.
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>Enumerated type, e.g. <literal>no-network</literal>.</entry>
<entry>Long description or error, e.g. "<literal>failed to connect to mytry.xml</literal>"</entry>
<sect2 id="api-status">
This is optional, but highly recommended.
<tgroup cols="2">
One of "<literal>download</literal>",
<sect2 id="api-requirerestart">
This is optional, but highly recommended.
This can be sent as many times as needed by the backend script.
PackageKit will always choose the 'worst' method in the UI notification.
<tgroup cols="2">
One of "<literal>system</literal>",
<entry>Optional details about the restart</entry>
<sect2 id="backends-spawn-package">
If updating, as packages are updated then emit them to the screen.
This allows a summary to be presented after the transaction.
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>A valid <literal>info</literal> string enumunerated type</entry>
<entry>A valid package ID string with as much data as known</entry>
<entry>The one line package summary, e.g. "Clipart for OpenOffice"</entry>
The <literal>info</literal> enumunerated type
<tgroup cols="3">
<entry>If installed</entry>
<entry>If available to install</entry>
<entry>Getting Updates</entry>
<entry>If update is of low severity</entry>
<entry>If update is of normal severity</entry>
<entry>If update is very important</entry>
<entry>If the update is security sensitive</entry>
<entry>If we are downloading this package</entry>
<entry>If we are updating this package</entry>
<entry>If we are installing this package</entry>
<entry>If we are removing this package</entry>
<entry>If we cannot use any other option</entry>
<sect2 id="backends-spawn-description">
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>The package ID</entry>
The licence, e.g. "GPL2" or "proprietary".
If you need to add a EULA then do it like this:
"proprietary;By installing this software\nyou may kill a kitten."
<entry>The enumerated package group description</entry>
The multi line package description.
NOTE: Tabs may have to be stripped from the description to
avoid being split.
<entry>The upstream project homepage</entry>
The size of the package in bytes. This should be the
size of the entire package file, not the size of the
files installed on the system.
<entry>A list of all files and directories created by the package at install time. Separated by the ';' character.</entry>
<sect2 id="backends-spawn-update-detail">
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>The package ID</entry>
<entry>A list of package_id's that are to be updated</entry>
<entry>A list of package_id's that are to be obsoletes</entry>
<entry>A URL with more details on the update, e.g. a security advisory</entry>
<entry>A valid restart type, e.g. "system"</entry>
The update text describing the update in a non-localised way.
Newlines should be converted to ";"