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# Archweb README
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2017-05-18 00:16:47 -07:00
To get a pretty version of this document, run
$ markdown README > README.html
# License
See LICENSE file.
# Authors
See AUTHORS file.
# Dependencies
- python
- rsync (optional for mirrorcheck with rsync mirrors)
# Python dependencies
More detail in `requirements.txt` and `requirements_prod.txt`; it is best to
use virtualenv and pip to handle these. But if you insist on (Arch Linux)
packages, you will probably want the following:
- python-django
- python-psycopg2
- python-markdown
- python-memcached
# Testing Installation
1. Run `python -m venv env`.
cd /path/to/archweb && python -m venv ./env/
2. Activate the virtualenv.
source ./env/bin/activate
2. Install dependencies through `pip`.
pip install -r requirements.txt
3. Copy `local_settings.py.example` to `local_settings.py` and modify.
Make sure to uncomment the appropriate database section (either sqlite or
4. Migrate changes.
./manage.py migrate
2020-08-21 16:14:03 -07:00
5. Load the fixtures to pre populate some data. If you don't want some of the
provided data, adjust the file glob accordingly.
./manage.py loaddata main/fixtures/*.json
./manage.py loaddata devel/fixtures/*.json
./manage.py loaddata mirrors/fixtures/*.json
./manage.py loaddata releng/fixtures/*.json
6. Use the following commands to start a service instance
./manage.py runserver
7. To optionally populate the database with real data:
wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/archlinux/core/os/x86_64/core.db.tar.gz
./manage.py reporead x86_64 core.db.tar.gz
# Package file listing
wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/archlinux/core/os/x86_64/core.files.tar.gz
./manage.py reporead --filesonly x86_64 core.files.tar.gz
Alter architecture and repo to get x86\_64 and packages from other repos if
8. Database Updates for Added/Removed packages
sqlite3 archweb.db < packages/sql/update.sqlite3.sql
For PostgreSQL use packages/sql/update.postgresql_psycopg2.sql
# Testing SMTP server
To be able to create an account on your test environment an SMTP server is
required. A simple debugging SMTP server can be setup using Python and `aiosmtpd`.
Install `aiosmtpd`
pip install aiosmtpd
Run the server
python -m aiosmtpd -n -l localhost:1025
In local\_settings.py add entries to set EMAIL\_HOST to 'localhost' and EMAIL\_PORT to
# Running tests and coverage
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Install the test dependencies:
pip install -r requirements_test.txt
To the unittests execute the following commands:
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make collectstatic
make test
Running coverage:
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make coverage
make open-coverage
# Django Debug toolbar
To use the Django Debug toolbar install django-debug-toolbar and in local_settings.py
set DEBUG_TOOLBAR to True.
# Management commands
Archweb provides multiple management commands for importing various sorts of data. An overview of commands:
* generate_keyring - Assemble a GPG keyring with all known developer keys.
* pgp_import - Import keys and signatures from a given GPG keyring.
* read_rebuilderd_status - Import rebuilderd status into Archweb.
* rematch_developers - Rematch flag requests and packages where user_id/packager_id is NULL to a Developer.
* reporead - Parses a repo.db.tar.gz, repo.files.tar.gz file and updates the Arch database with the relevant changes.
* reporead_inotify - Watches a templated patch for updates of *.files.tar.gz to update Arch databases with.
* donor_import - Import a single donator from a mail passed to stdin
* mirrorcheck - Poll every active mirror URLs to store the lastsnyc time and record network timing details.
* mirrorresolv - Poll every active mirror URLs and determine wheteher they have IP4 and/or IPv6 addresses.
* populate_signoffs - retrieves the latest commit message of a signoff-eligible package.
* update_planet - Import all feeds for users who have a valid website and website_rss in their user profile.
* read_links - Reads a repo.links.db.tar.gz file and updates the Soname model.
* read_links_inotify - Watches a templated patch for updates of *.links.tar.gz to update Arch databases with.
# Updating iPXE images
The binaries required for iPXE based netboot are updated by copying them from
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the [ipxe](https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/ipxe/) package to
[the static content directory](/sitestatic/netboot/) (with the `run_ipxe`
script the binaries may be tested beforehand):
cp -v /usr/share/ipxe/x86_64/ipxe-arch.efi /usr/share/ipxe/ipxe-arch.{ipxe,lkrn} sitestatic/releng
Afterwards a detached PGP signature using a valid
[WKD](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/GnuPG#Web_Key_Directory) enabled
key](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/archlinux-keyring/-/wikis/home) is
created for each file:
for artifact in sitestatic/netboot/*.{efi,pxe,lkrn}; do
gpg --sender "User Name <your@mail.address>" --detach-sign "$artifact"
# Production Installation
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Arch Linux has an Ansible role for Archweb in their [infrastructure repo](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/infrastructure).
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