
198 lines
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Raw Normal View History

from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import Count, Max
from django.http import Http404
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, redirect
isotests: various changes and updates * isotests/fixtures/clockchoices.json: changed 'default' to 'unchanged' * isotests/fixtures/filesystems.json: removed 'check the installed system' line from one of the options * isotests/fixtures/modules.json: added 'ext2','ext3','ext4','swap','xfs','jfs','reiserFS' * isotests/models.py: * Added RollbackOption abstract class that adds the functions get_rollback_success_test and get_rollback_failed_test on top of the IsoOption abstract class for use with the Filesystem and Module classes since Test uses these both in 2 ways (regular and rollback). This keeps them seperated. * renamed the related names of these properties from rollback_test to rollback_test_set (seems more in-tune with the other relations) * isotests/views.py: * changed the order of the fields, the automatic order makes no sense. * Added help texts to the fields success, filesystem, rollback_filesystem and rollback_modules. * Removed help text from modules (made no sense) * Added a website field, should remain empty, a simplistic way to hopefully reduce spambot entries. * templates/isotests/results.html: * Removed the rollback yes/no section * The rollback labels should check get_rollback_success_test and get_rollback_failed_test. * Rollback checkbox removed. * Clearly tell users that success must only be selected if everything works right. * Clearly tell users to only fill in the rollback options if they did a rollback. * Added a thanks page that tells people thanks. * Added links between the pages. * Added links to lists with tests of either a specific iso or of any iso where a specific option was selected. Signed-off-by: Dan McGee <dan@archlinux.org> Conflicts: templates/isotests/results.html
2011-04-28 11:19:42 -07:00
from django.views.generic.simple import direct_to_template
from .models import (Architecture, BootType, Bootloader, ClockChoice,
Filesystem, HardwareType, InstallType, Iso, IsoType, Module, Source,
def standard_field(model, empty_label=None, help_text=None, required=True):
return forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=model.objects.all(),
widget=forms.RadioSelect(), empty_label=empty_label,
help_text=help_text, required=required)
class TestForm(forms.ModelForm):
iso = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Iso.objects.filter(
architecture = standard_field(Architecture)
iso_type = standard_field(IsoType)
boot_type = standard_field(BootType)
hardware_type = standard_field(HardwareType)
install_type = standard_field(InstallType)
source = standard_field(Source)
clock_choice = standard_field(ClockChoice)
filesystem = standard_field(Filesystem,
help_text="Verify /etc/fstab, `df -hT` output and commands like " \
"lvdisplay for special modules.")
modules = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(queryset=Module.objects.all(),
help_text="", widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple(), required=False)
bootloader = standard_field(Bootloader,
help_text="Verify that the entries in the bootloader config looks OK.")
rollback_filesystem = standard_field(Filesystem,
help_text="If you did a rollback followed by a new attempt to setup " \
"your blockdevices/filesystems, select which option you took here.",
empty_label="N/A (did not rollback)", required=False)
rollback_modules = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(queryset=Module.objects.all(),
help_text="If you did a rollback followed by a new attempt to setup " \
"your blockdevices/filesystems, select which option you took here.",
widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple(), required=False)
success = forms.BooleanField(
help_text="Only check this if everything went fine. " \
"If you ran into problems please create a ticket on <a " \
"href=\"https://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=6\">the " \
"bugtracker</a> (or check that one already exists) and link to " \
"it in the comments.",
website = forms.CharField(label='',
widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'style': 'display:none;'}), required=False)
class Meta:
model = Test
isotests: various changes and updates * isotests/fixtures/clockchoices.json: changed 'default' to 'unchanged' * isotests/fixtures/filesystems.json: removed 'check the installed system' line from one of the options * isotests/fixtures/modules.json: added 'ext2','ext3','ext4','swap','xfs','jfs','reiserFS' * isotests/models.py: * Added RollbackOption abstract class that adds the functions get_rollback_success_test and get_rollback_failed_test on top of the IsoOption abstract class for use with the Filesystem and Module classes since Test uses these both in 2 ways (regular and rollback). This keeps them seperated. * renamed the related names of these properties from rollback_test to rollback_test_set (seems more in-tune with the other relations) * isotests/views.py: * changed the order of the fields, the automatic order makes no sense. * Added help texts to the fields success, filesystem, rollback_filesystem and rollback_modules. * Removed help text from modules (made no sense) * Added a website field, should remain empty, a simplistic way to hopefully reduce spambot entries. * templates/isotests/results.html: * Removed the rollback yes/no section * The rollback labels should check get_rollback_success_test and get_rollback_failed_test. * Rollback checkbox removed. * Clearly tell users that success must only be selected if everything works right. * Clearly tell users to only fill in the rollback options if they did a rollback. * Added a thanks page that tells people thanks. * Added links between the pages. * Added links to lists with tests of either a specific iso or of any iso where a specific option was selected. Signed-off-by: Dan McGee <dan@archlinux.org> Conflicts: templates/isotests/results.html
2011-04-28 11:19:42 -07:00
fields = ("user_name", "user_email", "iso", "architecture",
"iso_type", "boot_type", "hardware_type",
"install_type", "source", "clock_choice", "filesystem",
"modules", "bootloader", "rollback_filesystem",
"rollback_modules", "success", "comments")
widgets = {
"modules": forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple(),
def submit_test_result(request):
isotests: various changes and updates * isotests/fixtures/clockchoices.json: changed 'default' to 'unchanged' * isotests/fixtures/filesystems.json: removed 'check the installed system' line from one of the options * isotests/fixtures/modules.json: added 'ext2','ext3','ext4','swap','xfs','jfs','reiserFS' * isotests/models.py: * Added RollbackOption abstract class that adds the functions get_rollback_success_test and get_rollback_failed_test on top of the IsoOption abstract class for use with the Filesystem and Module classes since Test uses these both in 2 ways (regular and rollback). This keeps them seperated. * renamed the related names of these properties from rollback_test to rollback_test_set (seems more in-tune with the other relations) * isotests/views.py: * changed the order of the fields, the automatic order makes no sense. * Added help texts to the fields success, filesystem, rollback_filesystem and rollback_modules. * Removed help text from modules (made no sense) * Added a website field, should remain empty, a simplistic way to hopefully reduce spambot entries. * templates/isotests/results.html: * Removed the rollback yes/no section * The rollback labels should check get_rollback_success_test and get_rollback_failed_test. * Rollback checkbox removed. * Clearly tell users that success must only be selected if everything works right. * Clearly tell users to only fill in the rollback options if they did a rollback. * Added a thanks page that tells people thanks. * Added links between the pages. * Added links to lists with tests of either a specific iso or of any iso where a specific option was selected. Signed-off-by: Dan McGee <dan@archlinux.org> Conflicts: templates/isotests/results.html
2011-04-28 11:19:42 -07:00
if request.POST:
form = TestForm(request.POST)
isotests: various changes and updates * isotests/fixtures/clockchoices.json: changed 'default' to 'unchanged' * isotests/fixtures/filesystems.json: removed 'check the installed system' line from one of the options * isotests/fixtures/modules.json: added 'ext2','ext3','ext4','swap','xfs','jfs','reiserFS' * isotests/models.py: * Added RollbackOption abstract class that adds the functions get_rollback_success_test and get_rollback_failed_test on top of the IsoOption abstract class for use with the Filesystem and Module classes since Test uses these both in 2 ways (regular and rollback). This keeps them seperated. * renamed the related names of these properties from rollback_test to rollback_test_set (seems more in-tune with the other relations) * isotests/views.py: * changed the order of the fields, the automatic order makes no sense. * Added help texts to the fields success, filesystem, rollback_filesystem and rollback_modules. * Removed help text from modules (made no sense) * Added a website field, should remain empty, a simplistic way to hopefully reduce spambot entries. * templates/isotests/results.html: * Removed the rollback yes/no section * The rollback labels should check get_rollback_success_test and get_rollback_failed_test. * Rollback checkbox removed. * Clearly tell users that success must only be selected if everything works right. * Clearly tell users to only fill in the rollback options if they did a rollback. * Added a thanks page that tells people thanks. * Added links between the pages. * Added links to lists with tests of either a specific iso or of any iso where a specific option was selected. Signed-off-by: Dan McGee <dan@archlinux.org> Conflicts: templates/isotests/results.html
2011-04-28 11:19:42 -07:00
if form.is_valid() and request.POST['website'] == '':
test = form.save(commit=False)
test.ip_address = request.META.get("REMOTE_ADDR", None)
return redirect('releng-test-thanks')
form = TestForm()
context = {'form': form}
return direct_to_template(request, 'releng/add.html', context)
def calculate_option_overview(field_name):
field = Test._meta.get_field(field_name)
model = field.rel.to
is_rollback = field_name.startswith('rollback_')
option = {
'option': model,
'field_name': field_name,
'name': model._meta.verbose_name,
'is_rollback': is_rollback,
'values': []
if not is_rollback:
successes = dict(model.objects.values_list('pk').filter(
failures = dict(model.objects.values_list('pk').filter(
successes = dict(model.objects.values_list('pk').filter(
failures = dict(model.objects.values_list('pk').filter(
for value in model.objects.all():
data = {
'value': value,
'success': successes.get(value.pk),
'failure': failures.get(value.pk),
return option
def options_fetch_iso(options):
'''Replaces the Iso PK with a full Iso model object in a list of options
used on the overview page. We do it this way to only have to query the Iso
table once rather than once per option.'''
# collect all necessary Iso PKs
all_pks = set()
for option in options:
all_pks.update(v['success'] for v in option['values'])
all_pks.update(v['failure'] for v in option['values'])
all_isos = Iso.objects.in_bulk(all_pks)
for option in options:
for value in option['values']:
value['success'] = all_isos.get(value['success'])
value['failure'] = all_isos.get(value['failure'])
return options
def test_results_overview(request):
# data structure produced:
# [ { option, name, is_rollback, values: [ { value, success, failure } ... ] } ... ]
all_options = []
fields = [ 'architecture', 'iso_type', 'boot_type', 'hardware_type',
'install_type', 'source', 'clock_choice', 'filesystem', 'modules',
'bootloader', 'rollback_filesystem', 'rollback_modules' ]
for field in fields:
all_options = options_fetch_iso(all_options)
context = {
'options': all_options,
'iso_url': settings.ISO_LIST_URL,
return direct_to_template(request, 'releng/results.html', context)
isotests: various changes and updates * isotests/fixtures/clockchoices.json: changed 'default' to 'unchanged' * isotests/fixtures/filesystems.json: removed 'check the installed system' line from one of the options * isotests/fixtures/modules.json: added 'ext2','ext3','ext4','swap','xfs','jfs','reiserFS' * isotests/models.py: * Added RollbackOption abstract class that adds the functions get_rollback_success_test and get_rollback_failed_test on top of the IsoOption abstract class for use with the Filesystem and Module classes since Test uses these both in 2 ways (regular and rollback). This keeps them seperated. * renamed the related names of these properties from rollback_test to rollback_test_set (seems more in-tune with the other relations) * isotests/views.py: * changed the order of the fields, the automatic order makes no sense. * Added help texts to the fields success, filesystem, rollback_filesystem and rollback_modules. * Removed help text from modules (made no sense) * Added a website field, should remain empty, a simplistic way to hopefully reduce spambot entries. * templates/isotests/results.html: * Removed the rollback yes/no section * The rollback labels should check get_rollback_success_test and get_rollback_failed_test. * Rollback checkbox removed. * Clearly tell users that success must only be selected if everything works right. * Clearly tell users to only fill in the rollback options if they did a rollback. * Added a thanks page that tells people thanks. * Added links between the pages. * Added links to lists with tests of either a specific iso or of any iso where a specific option was selected. Signed-off-by: Dan McGee <dan@archlinux.org> Conflicts: templates/isotests/results.html
2011-04-28 11:19:42 -07:00
def test_results_iso(request, iso_id):
iso = get_object_or_404(Iso, pk=iso_id)
test_list = iso.test_set.select_related()
isotests: various changes and updates * isotests/fixtures/clockchoices.json: changed 'default' to 'unchanged' * isotests/fixtures/filesystems.json: removed 'check the installed system' line from one of the options * isotests/fixtures/modules.json: added 'ext2','ext3','ext4','swap','xfs','jfs','reiserFS' * isotests/models.py: * Added RollbackOption abstract class that adds the functions get_rollback_success_test and get_rollback_failed_test on top of the IsoOption abstract class for use with the Filesystem and Module classes since Test uses these both in 2 ways (regular and rollback). This keeps them seperated. * renamed the related names of these properties from rollback_test to rollback_test_set (seems more in-tune with the other relations) * isotests/views.py: * changed the order of the fields, the automatic order makes no sense. * Added help texts to the fields success, filesystem, rollback_filesystem and rollback_modules. * Removed help text from modules (made no sense) * Added a website field, should remain empty, a simplistic way to hopefully reduce spambot entries. * templates/isotests/results.html: * Removed the rollback yes/no section * The rollback labels should check get_rollback_success_test and get_rollback_failed_test. * Rollback checkbox removed. * Clearly tell users that success must only be selected if everything works right. * Clearly tell users to only fill in the rollback options if they did a rollback. * Added a thanks page that tells people thanks. * Added links between the pages. * Added links to lists with tests of either a specific iso or of any iso where a specific option was selected. Signed-off-by: Dan McGee <dan@archlinux.org> Conflicts: templates/isotests/results.html
2011-04-28 11:19:42 -07:00
context = {
'iso_name': iso.name,
'test_list': test_list
return direct_to_template(request, 'releng/result_list.html', context)
isotests: various changes and updates * isotests/fixtures/clockchoices.json: changed 'default' to 'unchanged' * isotests/fixtures/filesystems.json: removed 'check the installed system' line from one of the options * isotests/fixtures/modules.json: added 'ext2','ext3','ext4','swap','xfs','jfs','reiserFS' * isotests/models.py: * Added RollbackOption abstract class that adds the functions get_rollback_success_test and get_rollback_failed_test on top of the IsoOption abstract class for use with the Filesystem and Module classes since Test uses these both in 2 ways (regular and rollback). This keeps them seperated. * renamed the related names of these properties from rollback_test to rollback_test_set (seems more in-tune with the other relations) * isotests/views.py: * changed the order of the fields, the automatic order makes no sense. * Added help texts to the fields success, filesystem, rollback_filesystem and rollback_modules. * Removed help text from modules (made no sense) * Added a website field, should remain empty, a simplistic way to hopefully reduce spambot entries. * templates/isotests/results.html: * Removed the rollback yes/no section * The rollback labels should check get_rollback_success_test and get_rollback_failed_test. * Rollback checkbox removed. * Clearly tell users that success must only be selected if everything works right. * Clearly tell users to only fill in the rollback options if they did a rollback. * Added a thanks page that tells people thanks. * Added links between the pages. * Added links to lists with tests of either a specific iso or of any iso where a specific option was selected. Signed-off-by: Dan McGee <dan@archlinux.org> Conflicts: templates/isotests/results.html
2011-04-28 11:19:42 -07:00
def test_results_for(request, option, value):
if option not in Test._meta.get_all_field_names():
raise Http404
option_model = getattr(Test, option).field.rel.to
option_model.verbose_name = option_model._meta.verbose_name
real_value = get_object_or_404(option_model, pk=value)
test_list = real_value.test_set.select_related().order_by(
'-iso__name', '-pk')
isotests: various changes and updates * isotests/fixtures/clockchoices.json: changed 'default' to 'unchanged' * isotests/fixtures/filesystems.json: removed 'check the installed system' line from one of the options * isotests/fixtures/modules.json: added 'ext2','ext3','ext4','swap','xfs','jfs','reiserFS' * isotests/models.py: * Added RollbackOption abstract class that adds the functions get_rollback_success_test and get_rollback_failed_test on top of the IsoOption abstract class for use with the Filesystem and Module classes since Test uses these both in 2 ways (regular and rollback). This keeps them seperated. * renamed the related names of these properties from rollback_test to rollback_test_set (seems more in-tune with the other relations) * isotests/views.py: * changed the order of the fields, the automatic order makes no sense. * Added help texts to the fields success, filesystem, rollback_filesystem and rollback_modules. * Removed help text from modules (made no sense) * Added a website field, should remain empty, a simplistic way to hopefully reduce spambot entries. * templates/isotests/results.html: * Removed the rollback yes/no section * The rollback labels should check get_rollback_success_test and get_rollback_failed_test. * Rollback checkbox removed. * Clearly tell users that success must only be selected if everything works right. * Clearly tell users to only fill in the rollback options if they did a rollback. * Added a thanks page that tells people thanks. * Added links between the pages. * Added links to lists with tests of either a specific iso or of any iso where a specific option was selected. Signed-off-by: Dan McGee <dan@archlinux.org> Conflicts: templates/isotests/results.html
2011-04-28 11:19:42 -07:00
context = {
'option': option_model,
'value': real_value,
'value_id': value,
isotests: various changes and updates * isotests/fixtures/clockchoices.json: changed 'default' to 'unchanged' * isotests/fixtures/filesystems.json: removed 'check the installed system' line from one of the options * isotests/fixtures/modules.json: added 'ext2','ext3','ext4','swap','xfs','jfs','reiserFS' * isotests/models.py: * Added RollbackOption abstract class that adds the functions get_rollback_success_test and get_rollback_failed_test on top of the IsoOption abstract class for use with the Filesystem and Module classes since Test uses these both in 2 ways (regular and rollback). This keeps them seperated. * renamed the related names of these properties from rollback_test to rollback_test_set (seems more in-tune with the other relations) * isotests/views.py: * changed the order of the fields, the automatic order makes no sense. * Added help texts to the fields success, filesystem, rollback_filesystem and rollback_modules. * Removed help text from modules (made no sense) * Added a website field, should remain empty, a simplistic way to hopefully reduce spambot entries. * templates/isotests/results.html: * Removed the rollback yes/no section * The rollback labels should check get_rollback_success_test and get_rollback_failed_test. * Rollback checkbox removed. * Clearly tell users that success must only be selected if everything works right. * Clearly tell users to only fill in the rollback options if they did a rollback. * Added a thanks page that tells people thanks. * Added links between the pages. * Added links to lists with tests of either a specific iso or of any iso where a specific option was selected. Signed-off-by: Dan McGee <dan@archlinux.org> Conflicts: templates/isotests/results.html
2011-04-28 11:19:42 -07:00
'test_list': test_list
return direct_to_template(request, 'releng/result_list.html', context)
isotests: various changes and updates * isotests/fixtures/clockchoices.json: changed 'default' to 'unchanged' * isotests/fixtures/filesystems.json: removed 'check the installed system' line from one of the options * isotests/fixtures/modules.json: added 'ext2','ext3','ext4','swap','xfs','jfs','reiserFS' * isotests/models.py: * Added RollbackOption abstract class that adds the functions get_rollback_success_test and get_rollback_failed_test on top of the IsoOption abstract class for use with the Filesystem and Module classes since Test uses these both in 2 ways (regular and rollback). This keeps them seperated. * renamed the related names of these properties from rollback_test to rollback_test_set (seems more in-tune with the other relations) * isotests/views.py: * changed the order of the fields, the automatic order makes no sense. * Added help texts to the fields success, filesystem, rollback_filesystem and rollback_modules. * Removed help text from modules (made no sense) * Added a website field, should remain empty, a simplistic way to hopefully reduce spambot entries. * templates/isotests/results.html: * Removed the rollback yes/no section * The rollback labels should check get_rollback_success_test and get_rollback_failed_test. * Rollback checkbox removed. * Clearly tell users that success must only be selected if everything works right. * Clearly tell users to only fill in the rollback options if they did a rollback. * Added a thanks page that tells people thanks. * Added links between the pages. * Added links to lists with tests of either a specific iso or of any iso where a specific option was selected. Signed-off-by: Dan McGee <dan@archlinux.org> Conflicts: templates/isotests/results.html
2011-04-28 11:19:42 -07:00
def submit_test_thanks(request):
return direct_to_template(request, "releng/thanks.html", None)
def iso_overview(request):
isos = Iso.objects.all().order_by('-pk')
successes = dict(Iso.objects.values_list('pk').filter(
failures = dict(Iso.objects.values_list('pk').filter(
for iso in isos:
iso.successes = successes.get(iso.pk, 0)
iso.failures = failures.get(iso.pk, 0)
# only show "useful" rows, currently active ISOs or those with results
isos = [iso for iso in isos if
iso.active == True or iso.successes > 0 or iso.failures > 0]
context = {
'isos': isos
return direct_to_template(request, 'releng/iso_overview.html', context)
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et: