Dan McGee ecf57207c0 Fix sorting of file size values in jQuery tablesorter
The dumbass currency parser was matching values like '1.5 GB', causing
the actual sorting to not work right since the magnitude values of GB
values are obviously different than MB. Remove it fully from the parser
list so our actual parser matches and we sort correctly.

Signed-off-by: Dan McGee <dan@archlinux.org>
2013-04-21 20:06:14 -05:00

510 lines
17 KiB

/*'use strict';*/
/* tablesorter custom parsers for various pages:
* devel/index.html, mirrors/status.html, todolists/view.html */
if (typeof $ !== 'undefined' && typeof $.tablesorter !== 'undefined') {
id: 'pkgcount',
is: function(s) { return false; },
format: function(s) {
var m = s.match(/\d+/);
return m ? parseInt(m[0], 10) : 0;
type: 'numeric'
id: 'todostatus',
is: function(s) { return false; },
format: function(s) {
if (s.match(/incomplete/i)) {
return 1;
} else if (s.match(/in-progress/i)) {
return 0.5;
return 0;
type: 'numeric'
/* sorts numeric, but put '', 'unknown', and '∞' last. */
id: 'mostlydigit',
special: ['', 'unknown', '∞'],
is: function(s, table) {
var c = table.config;
return ($.inArray(s, this.special) > -1) || $.tablesorter.isDigit(s, c);
format: function(s, t) {
if ($.inArray(s, this.special) > -1) {
return Number.MAX_VALUE;
return $.tablesorter.formatFloat(s, t);
type: 'numeric'
/* sorts duration; put '', 'unknown', and '∞' last. */
id: 'duration',
re: /^([0-9]+):([0-5][0-9])$/,
special: ['', 'unknown', '∞'],
is: function(s) {
return ($.inArray(s, this.special) > -1) || this.re.test(s);
format: function(s) {
if ($.inArray(s, this.special) > -1) {
return Number.MAX_VALUE;
var matches = this.re.exec(s);
if (!matches) {
return Number.MAX_VALUE;
return matches[1] * 60 + matches[2];
type: 'numeric'
id: 'epochdate',
is: function(s) { return false; },
format: function(s, t, c) {
/* TODO: this assumes our magic class is the only one */
var epoch = $(c).attr('class');
if (epoch.indexOf('epoch-') !== 0) {
return 0;
return epoch.slice(6);
type: 'numeric'
id: 'longDateTime',
re: /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) ([012]\d):([0-5]\d)(:([0-5]\d))?( (\w+))?$/,
is: function(s) {
return this.re.test(s);
format: function(s, t) {
var matches = this.re.exec(s);
if (!matches) {
return 0;
/* skip group 6, group 7 is optional seconds */
if (matches[7] === undefined) {
matches[7] = 0;
/* The awesomeness of the JS date constructor. Month needs to be
* between 0-11, because things have to be difficult. */
var date = new Date(matches[1], matches[2] - 1, matches[3],
matches[4], matches[5], matches[7]);
return $.tablesorter.formatFloat(date.getTime(), t);
type: 'numeric'
id: 'filesize',
re: /^(\d+(?:\.\d+)?) (bytes?|[KMGTPEZY]i?B)$/,
is: function(s) {
return this.re.test(s);
format: function(s) {
var matches = this.re.exec(s);
if (!matches) {
return 0;
var size = parseFloat(matches[1]),
suffix = matches[2];
switch(suffix) {
/* intentional fall-through at each level */
case 'YB':
case 'YiB':
size *= 1024;
case 'ZB':
case 'ZiB':
size *= 1024;
case 'EB':
case 'EiB':
size *= 1024;
case 'PB':
case 'PiB':
size *= 1024;
case 'TB':
case 'TiB':
size *= 1024;
case 'GB':
case 'GiB':
size *= 1024;
case 'MB':
case 'MiB':
size *= 1024;
case 'KB':
case 'KiB':
size *= 1024;
return size;
type: 'numeric'
$.tablesorter.removeParser = function(id) {
$.tablesorter.parsers = $.grep($.tablesorter.parsers,
function(ele, i) {
return ele.id !== id;
// We don't use currency, and the parser is over-zealous at deciding it
// matches. Kill it from the parser selection.
(function($) {
$.fn.enableCheckboxRangeSelection = function() {
var lastCheckbox = null,
spec = this;
spec.bind("click.checkboxrange", function(e) {
if (lastCheckbox !== null && e.shiftKey) {
Math.min(spec.index(lastCheckbox), spec.index(e.target)),
Math.max(spec.index(lastCheckbox), spec.index(e.target)) + 1
).attr({checked: e.target.checked ? "checked" : ""});
lastCheckbox = e.target;
/* news/add.html */
function enablePreview() {
$('#news-preview-button').click(function(event) {
$.post('/news/preview/', {
data: $('#id_content').val(),
csrfmiddlewaretoken: $('#newsform input[name=csrfmiddlewaretoken]').val()
function(data) {
/* packages/details.html */
function ajaxifyFiles() {
$('#filelink').click(function(event) {
$.getJSON(this.href + 'json/', function(data) {
// Map each file item into an <li/> with the correct class
var list_items = $.map(data.files, function(value, i) {
var cls = value.match(/\/$/) ? 'd' : 'f';
return ['<li class="', cls, '">', value, '</li>'];
if (data.pkg_last_update > data.files_last_update) {
$('#pkgfilelist').append('<p class="message">Note: This file list was generated from a previous version of the package; it may be out of date.</p>');
if (list_items.length > 0) {
$('#pkgfilelist').append('<ul>' + list_items.join('') + '</ul>');
} else if (data.files_last_update === null) {
$('#pkgfilelist').append('<p class="message">No file list available.</p>');
} else {
$('#pkgfilelist').append('<p class="message">Package has no files.</p>');
function collapseDependsList(list) {
list = $(list);
// Hide everything past a given limit. Don't do anything if we don't have
// enough items, or the link already exists.
var limit = 20,
linkid = list.attr('id') + 'link',
items = list.find('li').slice(limit);
if (items.length <= 1 || $('#' + linkid).length > 0) {
list.after('<p><a id="' + linkid + '" href="#">Show More…</a></p>');
// add link and wire it up to show the hidden items
$('#' + linkid).click(function(event) {
// remove the full <p/> node from the DOM
function collapseRelatedTo(elements) {
var limit = 5;
$(elements).each(function(idx, ele) {
ele = $(ele);
// Hide everything past a given limit. Don't do anything if we don't
// have enough items, or the link already exists.
var items = ele.find('span.related').slice(limit);
if (items.length <= 1 || ele.find('a.morelink').length > 0) {
ele.append('<a class="morelink" href="#">More…</a>');
// add link and wire it up to show the hidden items
ele.find('a.morelink').click(function(event) {
/* packages/differences.html */
function filter_packages() {
/* start with all rows, and then remove ones we shouldn't show */
var rows = $('#tbody_differences').children(),
all_rows = rows;
if (!$('#id_multilib').is(':checked')) {
rows = rows.not('.multilib').not('.multilib-testing');
var arch = $('#id_archonly').val();
if (arch !== 'all') {
rows = rows.filter('.' + arch);
if (!$('#id_minor').is(':checked')) {
/* this check is done last because it is the most expensive */
var pat = /(.*)-(.+)/;
rows = rows.filter(function(index) {
var cells = $(this).children('td');
/* all this just to get the split version out of the table cell */
var ver_a = cells.eq(2).find('span').text().match(pat);
if (!ver_a) {
return true;
var ver_b = cells.eq(3).find('span').text().match(pat);
if (!ver_b) {
return true;
/* first check pkgver */
if (ver_a[1] !== ver_b[1]) {
return true;
/* pkgver matched, so see if rounded pkgrel matches */
if (Math.floor(parseFloat(ver_a[2])) ===
Math.floor(parseFloat(ver_b[2]))) {
return false;
/* pkgrel didn't match, so keep the row */
return true;
/* hide all rows, then show the set we care about */
/* make sure we update the odd/even styling from sorting */
$('.results').trigger('applyWidgets', [false]);
function filter_packages_reset() {
/* todolists/view.html */
function todolist_flag() {
// TODO: fix usage of this
var link = this;
$.getJSON(link.href, function(data) {
'complete inprogress incomplete').addClass(
/* let tablesorter know the cell value has changed */
$('.results').trigger('updateCell', [$(link).closest('td')[0], false, null]);
return false;
function filter_pkgs_list(filter_ele, tbody_ele) {
/* start with all rows, and then remove ones we shouldn't show */
var rows = $(tbody_ele).children(),
all_rows = rows;
/* apply the filters, cheaper ones first */
if ($('#id_mine_only').is(':checked')) {
rows = rows.filter('.mine');
/* apply arch and repo filters */
$(filter_ele + ' .arch_filter').add(
filter_ele + ' .repo_filter').each(function() {
if (!$(this).is(':checked')) {
rows = rows.not('.' + $(this).val());
/* more expensive filter because of 'has' call */
if ($('#id_incomplete').is(':checked')) {
rows = rows.has('.incomplete');
/* hide all rows, then show the set we care about */
/* make sure we update the odd/even styling from sorting */
$('.results').trigger('applyWidgets', [false]);
function filter_pkgs_reset(callback) {
$('.arch_filter').attr('checked', 'checked');
$('.repo_filter').attr('checked', 'checked');
/* signoffs.html */
function signoff_package() {
// TODO: fix usage of this
var link = this;
$.getJSON(link.href, function(data) {
link = $(link);
var signoff = null,
cell = link.closest('td');
if (data.created) {
signoff = $('<li>').addClass('signed-username').text(data.user);
var list = cell.children('ul.signoff-list');
if (list.size() === 0) {
list = $('<ul class="signoff-list">').prependTo(cell);
} else if(data.user) {
signoff = link.closest('td').find('li').filter(function(index) {
return $(this).text() == data.user;
if (signoff && data.revoked) {
signoff.text(signoff.text() + ' (revoked)');
/* update the approved column to reflect reality */
var approved = link.closest('tr').children('.approval');
approved.attr('class', 'approval');
if (data.known_bad) {
} else if (!data.enabled) {
} else if (data.approved) {
} else {
/* Form our new link. The current will be something like
* '/packages/repo/arch/package/...' */
var base_href = link.attr('href').split('/').slice(0, 5).join('/');
if (data.revoked) {
link.attr('href', base_href + '/signoff/');
/* should we be hiding the link? */
if (data.known_bad || !data.enabled) {
} else {
link.text('Revoke Signoff');
link.attr('href', base_href + '/signoff/revoke/');
/* let tablesorter know the cell value has changed */
$('.results').trigger('updateCell', [approved[0], false, null]);
return false;
function filter_signoffs() {
/* start with all rows, and then remove ones we shouldn't show */
var rows = $('#tbody_signoffs').children(),
all_rows = rows;
/* apply arch and repo filters */
$('#signoffs_filter .arch_filter').add(
'#signoffs_filter .repo_filter').each(function() {
if (!$(this).is(':checked')) {
rows = rows.not('.' + $(this).val());
/* and then the slightly more expensive pending check */
if ($('#id_pending').is(':checked')) {
rows = rows.has('td.signoff-no');
/* hide all rows, then show the set we care about */
/* make sure we update the odd/even styling from sorting */
$('.results').trigger('applyWidgets', [false]);
function filter_signoffs_reset() {
$('#signoffs_filter .arch_filter').attr('checked', 'checked');
$('#signoffs_filter .repo_filter').attr('checked', 'checked');
function collapseNotes(elements) {
// Remove any trailing <br/> tags from the note contents
$(elements).children('br').filter(':last-child').filter(function(i, e) { return !e.nextSibling; }).remove();
var maxElements = 8;
$(elements).each(function(idx, ele) {
ele = $(ele);
// Hide everything past a given limit. Don't do anything if we don't
// have enough items, or the link already exists.
var contents = ele.contents();
if (contents.length <= maxElements || ele.find('a.morelink').length > 0) {
contents.slice(maxElements).wrapAll('<div class="hide"/>');
ele.append('<br class="morelink-spacer"/><a class="morelink" href="#">Show More…</a>');
// add link and wire it up to show the hidden items
ele.find('a.morelink').click(function(event) {
// move the div contents back and delete the empty div
var hidden = ele.find('div.hide');
/* visualizations */
function format_filesize(size, decimals) {
/*var labels = ['B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB', 'ZiB', 'YiB'];*/
var labels = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'],
label = 0;
while (size > 2048.0 && label < labels.length - 1) {
size /= 1024.0;
if (decimals === undefined) {
decimals = 2;
return size.toFixed(decimals) + ' ' + labels[label];
/* HTML5 input type and attribute enhancements */
function modify_attributes(to_change) {
/* jQuery doesn't let us change the 'type' attribute directly due to IE
woes, so instead we can clone and replace, setting the type. */
$.each(to_change, function(id, attrs) {
var obj = $(id);