Dan McGee c03b9c5f10 feeds: add all arches for repo feed
If you wanted to see all updates regardless of architecture for
[testing] before, there wasn't really a way to do so. Add one.

Signed-off-by: Dan McGee <dan@archlinux.org>
2012-07-31 00:16:36 -05:00

150 lines
4.9 KiB

import hashlib
import pytz
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from django.contrib.syndication.views import Feed
from django.db.models import Q
from django.utils.feedgenerator import Rss201rev2Feed
from django.views.decorators.http import condition
from main.utils import retrieve_latest
from main.models import Arch, Repo, Package
from news.models import News
def check_for_unique_id(f):
def wrapper(name, contents=None, attrs=None):
if attrs is None:
attrs = {}
if name == 'guid':
attrs['isPermaLink'] = 'false'
return f(name, contents, attrs)
return wrapper
class GuidNotPermalinkFeed(Rss201rev2Feed):
def write_items(self, handler):
# Totally disgusting. Monkey-patch the hander so if it sees a
# 'unique-id' field come through, add an isPermalink="false" attribute.
# Workaround for http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/9800
handler.addQuickElement = check_for_unique_id(handler.addQuickElement)
super(GuidNotPermalinkFeed, self).write_items(handler)
def package_etag(request, *args, **kwargs):
latest = retrieve_latest(Package)
if latest:
return hashlib.md5(str(kwargs) + str(latest)).hexdigest()
return None
def package_last_modified(request, *args, **kwargs):
return retrieve_latest(Package)
class PackageFeed(Feed):
feed_type = GuidNotPermalinkFeed
link = '/packages/'
title_template = 'feeds/packages_title.html'
description_template = 'feeds/packages_description.html'
def __call__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
wrapper = condition(etag_func=package_etag, last_modified_func=package_last_modified)
return wrapper(super(PackageFeed, self).__call__)(request, *args, **kwargs)
def get_object(self, request, arch='', repo=''):
obj = dict()
qs = Package.objects.normal().order_by('-last_update')
if arch != '':
# feed for a single arch, also include 'any' packages everywhere
a = Arch.objects.get(name=arch)
qs = qs.filter(Q(arch=a) | Q(arch__agnostic=True))
obj['arch'] = a
if repo != '':
# feed for a single arch AND repo
r = Repo.objects.get(name__iexact=repo)
qs = qs.filter(repo=r)
obj['repo'] = r
qs = qs.filter(repo__staging=False)
obj['qs'] = qs[:50]
return obj
def title(self, obj):
s = 'Arch Linux: Recent package updates'
if 'repo' in obj and 'arch' in obj:
s += ' (%s [%s])' % (obj['arch'].name, obj['repo'].name.lower())
elif 'repo' in obj:
s += ' [%s]' % (obj['repo'].name.lower())
elif 'arch' in obj:
s += ' (%s)' % (obj['arch'].name)
return s
def description(self, obj):
s = 'Recently updated packages in the Arch Linux package repositories'
if 'arch' in obj:
s += ' for the \'%s\' architecture' % obj['arch'].name.lower()
if not obj['arch'].agnostic:
s += ' (including \'any\' packages)'
if 'repo' in obj:
s += ' in the [%s] repository' % obj['repo'].name.lower()
s += '.'
return s
subtitle = description
def items(self, obj):
return obj['qs']
def item_guid(self, item):
# http://diveintomark.org/archives/2004/05/28/howto-atom-id
date = item.last_update
return 'tag:%s,%s:%s%s' % (Site.objects.get_current().domain,
date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), item.get_absolute_url(),
def item_pubdate(self, item):
return item.last_update.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
def item_categories(self, item):
return (item.repo.name, item.arch.name)
def news_etag(request, *args, **kwargs):
latest = retrieve_latest(News, 'last_modified')
if latest:
return hashlib.md5(str(latest)).hexdigest()
return None
def news_last_modified(request, *args, **kwargs):
return retrieve_latest(News, 'last_modified')
class NewsFeed(Feed):
feed_type = GuidNotPermalinkFeed
title = 'Arch Linux: Recent news updates'
link = '/news/'
description = 'The latest and greatest news from the Arch Linux distribution.'
subtitle = description
title_template = 'feeds/news_title.html'
description_template = 'feeds/news_description.html'
def __call__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
wrapper = condition(etag_func=news_etag, last_modified_func=news_last_modified)
return wrapper(super(NewsFeed, self).__call__)(request, *args, **kwargs)
def items(self):
return News.objects.select_related('author').order_by(
'-postdate', '-id')[:10]
def item_guid(self, item):
return item.guid
def item_pubdate(self, item):
return item.postdate.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
def item_author_name(self, item):
return item.author.get_full_name()
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