#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ELF file checker. This command ensures all undefined symbols in an ELF file can be resolved to global (or weak) symbols defined in shared objects specified in DT_NEEDED entries. """ from __future__ import print_function import argparse import collections import os import os.path import re import struct import subprocess import sys _ELF_MAGIC = b'\x7fELF' # Known machines _EM_386 = 3 _EM_ARM = 40 _EM_X86_64 = 62 _EM_AARCH64 = 183 _KNOWN_MACHINES = {_EM_386, _EM_ARM, _EM_X86_64, _EM_AARCH64} # ELF header struct _ELF_HEADER_STRUCT = ( ('ei_magic', '4s'), ('ei_class', 'B'), ('ei_data', 'B'), ('ei_version', 'B'), ('ei_osabi', 'B'), ('ei_pad', '8s'), ('e_type', 'H'), ('e_machine', 'H'), ('e_version', 'I'), ) _ELF_HEADER_STRUCT_FMT = ''.join(_fmt for _, _fmt in _ELF_HEADER_STRUCT) ELFHeader = collections.namedtuple( 'ELFHeader', [_name for _name, _ in _ELF_HEADER_STRUCT]) ELF = collections.namedtuple( 'ELF', ('dt_soname', 'dt_needed', 'imported', 'exported', 'header')) def _get_os_name(): """Get the host OS name.""" if sys.platform == 'linux2': return 'linux' if sys.platform == 'darwin': return 'darwin' raise ValueError(sys.platform + ' is not supported') def _get_build_top(): """Find the build top of the source tree ($ANDROID_BUILD_TOP).""" prev_path = None curr_path = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) while prev_path != curr_path: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(curr_path, '.repo')): return curr_path prev_path = curr_path curr_path = os.path.dirname(curr_path) return None def _select_latest_llvm_version(versions): """Select the latest LLVM prebuilts version from a set of versions.""" pattern = re.compile('clang-r([0-9]+)([a-z]?)') found_rev = 0 found_ver = None for curr_ver in versions: match = pattern.match(curr_ver) if not match: continue curr_rev = int(match.group(1)) if not found_ver or curr_rev > found_rev or ( curr_rev == found_rev and curr_ver > found_ver): found_rev = curr_rev found_ver = curr_ver return found_ver def _get_latest_llvm_version(llvm_dir): """Find the latest LLVM prebuilts version from `llvm_dir`.""" return _select_latest_llvm_version(os.listdir(llvm_dir)) def _get_llvm_dir(): """Find the path to LLVM prebuilts.""" build_top = _get_build_top() llvm_prebuilts_base = os.environ.get('LLVM_PREBUILTS_BASE') if not llvm_prebuilts_base: llvm_prebuilts_base = os.path.join('prebuilts', 'clang', 'host') llvm_dir = os.path.join( build_top, llvm_prebuilts_base, _get_os_name() + '-x86') if not os.path.exists(llvm_dir): return None llvm_prebuilts_version = os.environ.get('LLVM_PREBUILTS_VERSION') if not llvm_prebuilts_version: llvm_prebuilts_version = _get_latest_llvm_version(llvm_dir) llvm_dir = os.path.join(llvm_dir, llvm_prebuilts_version) if not os.path.exists(llvm_dir): return None return llvm_dir def _get_llvm_readobj(): """Find the path to llvm-readobj executable.""" llvm_dir = _get_llvm_dir() llvm_readobj = os.path.join(llvm_dir, 'bin', 'llvm-readobj') return llvm_readobj if os.path.exists(llvm_readobj) else 'llvm-readobj' class ELFError(ValueError): """Generic ELF parse error""" pass class ELFInvalidMagicError(ELFError): """Invalid ELF magic word error""" def __init__(self): super(ELFInvalidMagicError, self).__init__('bad ELF magic') class ELFParser(object): """ELF file parser""" @classmethod def _read_elf_header(cls, elf_file_path): """Read the ELF magic word from the beginning of the file.""" with open(elf_file_path, 'rb') as elf_file: buf = elf_file.read(struct.calcsize(_ELF_HEADER_STRUCT_FMT)) try: return ELFHeader(*struct.unpack(_ELF_HEADER_STRUCT_FMT, buf)) except struct.error: return None @classmethod def open(cls, elf_file_path, llvm_readobj): """Open and parse the ELF file.""" # Parse the ELF header for simple sanity checks. header = cls._read_elf_header(elf_file_path) if not header or header.ei_magic != _ELF_MAGIC: raise ELFInvalidMagicError() # Run llvm-readobj and parse the output. return cls._read_llvm_readobj(elf_file_path, header, llvm_readobj) @classmethod def _find_prefix(cls, pattern, lines_it): """Iterate `lines_it` until finding a string that starts with `pattern`.""" for line in lines_it: if line.startswith(pattern): return True return False @classmethod def _read_llvm_readobj(cls, elf_file_path, header, llvm_readobj): """Run llvm-readobj and parse the output.""" proc = subprocess.Popen( [llvm_readobj, '-dynamic-table', '-dyn-symbols', elf_file_path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, _ = proc.communicate() lines = out.splitlines() return cls._parse_llvm_readobj(elf_file_path, header, lines) @classmethod def _parse_llvm_readobj(cls, elf_file_path, header, lines): """Parse the output of llvm-readobj.""" lines_it = iter(lines) imported, exported = cls._parse_dynamic_symbols(lines_it) dt_soname, dt_needed = cls._parse_dynamic_table(elf_file_path, lines_it) return ELF(dt_soname, dt_needed, imported, exported, header) _DYNAMIC_SECTION_START_PATTERN = 'DynamicSection [' _DYNAMIC_SECTION_NEEDED_PATTERN = re.compile( '^ 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+\\s+NEEDED\\s+Shared library: \\[(.*)\\]$') _DYNAMIC_SECTION_SONAME_PATTERN = re.compile( '^ 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+\\s+SONAME\\s+Library soname: \\[(.*)\\]$') _DYNAMIC_SECTION_END_PATTERN = ']' @classmethod def _parse_dynamic_table(cls, elf_file_path, lines_it): """Parse the dynamic table section.""" dt_soname = os.path.basename(elf_file_path) dt_needed = [] dynamic = cls._find_prefix(cls._DYNAMIC_SECTION_START_PATTERN, lines_it) if not dynamic: return (dt_soname, dt_needed) for line in lines_it: if line == cls._DYNAMIC_SECTION_END_PATTERN: break match = cls._DYNAMIC_SECTION_NEEDED_PATTERN.match(line) if match: dt_needed.append(match.group(1)) continue match = cls._DYNAMIC_SECTION_SONAME_PATTERN.match(line) if match: dt_soname = match.group(1) continue return (dt_soname, dt_needed) _DYNAMIC_SYMBOLS_START_PATTERN = 'DynamicSymbols [' _DYNAMIC_SYMBOLS_END_PATTERN = ']' _SYMBOL_ENTRY_START_PATTERN = ' Symbol {' _SYMBOL_ENTRY_PATTERN = re.compile('^ ([A-Za-z0-9_]+): (.*)$') _SYMBOL_ENTRY_PAREN_PATTERN = re.compile( '\\s+\\((?:(?:\\d+)|(?:0x[0-9a-fA-F]+))\\)$') _SYMBOL_ENTRY_END_PATTERN = ' }' @staticmethod def _parse_symbol_name(name_with_version): """Split `name_with_version` into name and version. This function may split at last occurrence of `@@` or `@`.""" pos = name_with_version.rfind('@') if pos == -1: name = name_with_version version = '' else: if pos > 0 and name_with_version[pos - 1] == '@': name = name_with_version[0:pos - 1] else: name = name_with_version[0:pos] version = name_with_version[pos + 1:] return (name, version) @classmethod def _parse_dynamic_symbols(cls, lines_it): """Parse dynamic symbol table and collect imported and exported symbols.""" imported = collections.defaultdict(set) exported = collections.defaultdict(set) for symbol in cls._parse_dynamic_symbols_internal(lines_it): name, version = cls._parse_symbol_name(symbol['Name']) if name: if symbol['Section'] == 'Undefined': if symbol['Binding'] != 'Weak': imported[name].add(version) else: if symbol['Binding'] != 'Local': exported[name].add(version) # Freeze the returned imported/exported dict. return (dict(imported), dict(exported)) @classmethod def _parse_dynamic_symbols_internal(cls, lines_it): """Parse symbols entries and yield each symbols.""" if not cls._find_prefix(cls._DYNAMIC_SYMBOLS_START_PATTERN, lines_it): return for line in lines_it: if line == cls._DYNAMIC_SYMBOLS_END_PATTERN: return if line == cls._SYMBOL_ENTRY_START_PATTERN: symbol = {} continue if line == cls._SYMBOL_ENTRY_END_PATTERN: yield symbol symbol = None continue match = cls._SYMBOL_ENTRY_PATTERN.match(line) if match: key = match.group(1) value = cls._SYMBOL_ENTRY_PAREN_PATTERN.sub('', match.group(2)) symbol[key] = value continue class Checker(object): """ELF file checker that checks DT_SONAME, DT_NEEDED, and symbols.""" def __init__(self, llvm_readobj): self._file_path = '' self._file_under_test = None self._shared_libs = [] self._llvm_readobj = llvm_readobj if sys.stderr.isatty(): _ERROR_TAG = '\033[0;1;31merror:\033[m' # Red error _NOTE_TAG = '\033[0;1;30mnote:\033[m' # Black note else: _ERROR_TAG = 'error:' # Red error _NOTE_TAG = 'note:' # Black note def _error(self, *args): """Emit an error to stderr.""" print(self._file_path + ': ' + self._ERROR_TAG, *args, file=sys.stderr) def _note(self, *args): """Emit a note to stderr.""" print(self._file_path + ': ' + self._NOTE_TAG, *args, file=sys.stderr) def _load_elf_file(self, path, skip_bad_elf_magic): """Load an ELF file from the `path`.""" try: return ELFParser.open(path, self._llvm_readobj) except (IOError, OSError): self._error('Failed to open "{}".'.format(path)) sys.exit(2) except ELFInvalidMagicError: if skip_bad_elf_magic: sys.exit(0) else: self._error('File "{}" must have a valid ELF magic word.'.format(path)) sys.exit(2) except: self._error('An unknown error occurred while opening "{}".'.format(path)) raise def load_file_under_test(self, path, skip_bad_elf_magic, skip_unknown_elf_machine): """Load file-under-test (either an executable or a shared lib).""" self._file_path = path self._file_under_test = self._load_elf_file(path, skip_bad_elf_magic) if skip_unknown_elf_machine and \ self._file_under_test.header.e_machine not in _KNOWN_MACHINES: sys.exit(0) def load_shared_libs(self, shared_lib_paths): """Load shared libraries.""" for path in shared_lib_paths: self._shared_libs.append(self._load_elf_file(path, False)) def check_dt_soname(self, soname): """Check whether DT_SONAME matches installation file name.""" if self._file_under_test.dt_soname != soname: self._error('DT_SONAME "{}" must be equal to the file name "{}".' .format(self._file_under_test.dt_soname, soname)) sys.exit(2) def check_dt_needed(self): """Check whether all DT_NEEDED entries are specified in the build system.""" missing_shared_libs = False # Collect the DT_SONAMEs from shared libs specified in the build system. specified_sonames = {lib.dt_soname for lib in self._shared_libs} # Chech whether all DT_NEEDED entries are specified. for lib in self._file_under_test.dt_needed: if lib not in specified_sonames: self._error('DT_NEEDED "{}" is not specified in shared_libs.' .format(lib.decode('utf-8'))) missing_shared_libs = True if missing_shared_libs: dt_needed = sorted(set(self._file_under_test.dt_needed)) modules = [re.sub('\\.so$', '', lib) for lib in dt_needed] self._note() self._note('Fix suggestions:') self._note( ' Android.bp: shared_libs: [' + ', '.join('"' + module + '"' for module in modules) + '],') self._note( ' Android.mk: LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := ' + ' '.join(modules)) self._note() self._note('If the fix above doesn\'t work, bypass this check with:') self._note(' Android.bp: check_elf_files: false,') self._note(' Android.mk: LOCAL_CHECK_ELF_FILES := false') sys.exit(2) @staticmethod def _find_symbol(lib, name, version): """Check whether the symbol name and version matches a definition in lib.""" try: lib_sym_vers = lib.exported[name] except KeyError: return False if version == '': # Symbol version is not requested return True return version in lib_sym_vers @classmethod def _find_symbol_from_libs(cls, libs, name, version): """Check whether the symbol name and version is defined in one of the shared libraries in libs.""" for lib in libs: if cls._find_symbol(lib, name, version): return lib return None def check_symbols(self): """Check whether all undefined symbols are resolved to a definition.""" all_elf_files = [self._file_under_test] + self._shared_libs missing_symbols = [] for sym, imported_vers in self._file_under_test.imported.iteritems(): for imported_ver in imported_vers: lib = self._find_symbol_from_libs(all_elf_files, sym, imported_ver) if not lib: missing_symbols.append((sym, imported_ver)) if missing_symbols: for sym, ver in sorted(missing_symbols): sym = sym.decode('utf-8') if ver: sym += '@' + ver.decode('utf-8') self._error('Unresolved symbol: {}'.format(sym)) self._note() self._note('Some dependencies might be changed, thus the symbol(s) ' 'above cannot be resolved.') self._note('Please re-build the prebuilt file: "{}".' .format(self._file_path)) self._note() self._note('If this is a new prebuilt file and it is designed to have ' 'unresolved symbols, add one of the following properties:') self._note(' Android.bp: allow_undefined_symbols: true,') self._note(' Android.mk: LOCAL_ALLOW_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS := true') sys.exit(2) def _parse_args(): """Parse command line options.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Input file parser.add_argument('file', help='Path to the input file to be checked') parser.add_argument('--soname', help='Shared object name of the input file') # Shared library dependencies parser.add_argument('--shared-lib', action='append', default=[], help='Path to shared library dependencies') # Check options parser.add_argument('--skip-bad-elf-magic', action='store_true', help='Ignore the input file without the ELF magic word') parser.add_argument('--skip-unknown-elf-machine', action='store_true', help='Ignore the input file with unknown machine ID') parser.add_argument('--allow-undefined-symbols', action='store_true', help='Ignore unresolved undefined symbols') # Other options parser.add_argument('--llvm-readobj', help='Path to the llvm-readobj executable') return parser.parse_args() def main(): """Main function""" args = _parse_args() llvm_readobj = args.llvm_readobj if not llvm_readobj: llvm_readobj = _get_llvm_readobj() # Load ELF files checker = Checker(llvm_readobj) checker.load_file_under_test( args.file, args.skip_bad_elf_magic, args.skip_unknown_elf_machine) checker.load_shared_libs(args.shared_lib) # Run checks if args.soname: checker.check_dt_soname(args.soname) checker.check_dt_needed() if not args.allow_undefined_symbols: checker.check_symbols() if __name__ == '__main__': main()