#!/bin/bash # usage: mkroot/testroot.sh [TARGET...] # # Test system image(s) (by booting qemu with -hda test.img providing /mnt/init) # and check that: # # A) it boots and runs our code (which means /dev/hda works) # B) the clock is set sanely ("make" is unhappy when source newer than output) # C) it can talk to the virtual network # # Each successful test prints a === line, and all 3 means it passed. # Writes result into root/build/test/$TARGET-test.txt # # With arguments, tests those targets (verbosely). With no arguments, tests # each target with a linux-kernel (in parallel) and prints pass/fail summary. die() { echo "$@"; exit 1; } [ -n "$(which toybox)" -a -n "$(which mksquashfs)" ] || die "Need toybox and mksquashfs in $PATH" mkdir -p "${TEST:=$PWD/root/build/test}" && # Setup test filesystem and package it into a squashfs. cat > "$TEST"/init << 'EOF' && #!/bin/sh echo echo === init $HOST [ "$(date +%s)" -gt 1500000000 ] && echo === date ok $HOST wget -O - # TODO: cd /mnt && scripts/test.sh EOF chmod +x "$TEST"/init && mksquashfs "$TEST"/init configure scripts/ tests/ "$TEST"/init.sqf -noappend -all-root >/dev/null && # Setup server on host's loopback for network smoke test echo === net ok > "$TEST"/index.html || die "smoketest setup" toybox netcat -p 65432 -s -L toybox httpd "$TEST" & trap "kill $!" EXIT sleep .25 [ -n "$(toybox wget -O - | grep ===)" ] || die "wget" do_test() { X=$(dirname "$1") Y=$(basename $X) [ ! -e "$1" ] && { echo skip "$Y"; return 0; } # Alas KARGS=quiet doesn't silence qemu's bios, so filter output ourselves. # QEMU broke -hda because too many people know how to use it, this is # the new edgier version they added to be -hda without gratuitous breakage. { cd $X || continue echo === $X # Can't point two QEMU instances at same sqf because gratuitous file locking cp "$TEST"/init.{sqf,$BASHPID} && # When stdin is a tty QEMU will SIGTTOU itself here, so &1" rm -f "$TEST/init.$BASHPID" cd ../.. } | tee root/build/log/$Y-test.txt | { [ -z "$V" ] && cat >/dev/null || { [ "$V" -gt 1 ] && cat || grep '^=== '; } } } # Just test targets on command line? if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then ((V++)) for I in "$@"; do do_test root/"$I"/linux-kernel; done exit fi COUNT=0 CPUS=$(($(nproc)+0)) for I in root/*/linux-kernel do do_test "$I" | { [ -z "$V" ] && cat >/dev/null || { [ "$V" -gt 1 ] && cat || grep '^=== '; } } & [ $((++COUNT)) -ge $CPUS ] && { wait -n; ((--COUNT)); [ -z "$V" ] && echo -n .; } done while [ $COUNT -gt 0 ]; do wait -n; ((--COUNT)); [ -z "$V" ] && echo -n . done echo PASS= NOPASS= for I in root/*/linux-kernel do [ ! -e "$I" ] && continue X=$(dirname $I) Y=$(basename $X) [ "$(grep '^=== ' root/build/log/$Y-test.txt | wc -l)" -eq 4 ] && PASS+="$Y " || NOPASS+="$Y " done [ -n "$PASS" ] && echo PASS=$PASS [ -n "$NOPASS" ] && echo NOPASS=$NOPASS bd() { sed 's@.*/\([^/]*\)/[^/]*@\1@'; } NO="$(ls -d root/*/fs | bd | egrep -xv "$(ls root/*/linux-kernel | bd | tr '\n' '|')build" | xargs)" [ -n "$NO" ] && echo No kernel: $NO