# Using AaeonRemoteBuildPkg only. Mask this section if you want to use own project local .yml include: - project: 'AAEON/Utility/AaeonRemoteBuildPkg' file: '.gitlab-ci-project.yml' # Use project local .yml only. Unmask if you want to use it. #include: # - local: '.gitlab-ci-project.yml' variables: ## Build variables for ######################################################## ## AaeonRemoteBuild.bat %1 %2 %3 %4 %5: ## %1 PROJECT_REBUILD=BUILD_ALL ## 1: Build all; 0: Build; 2: Skip Build process[Test Only] ## %2 PROJECT_SHA=SHA_FOLDER=not used any more. Reserved for compatibility. ## %3 PROJECT_VEB_FILE=VEB=file name (w/o extension) ## %4 PROJECT_VEB_TOOL=AptioV_DIR=VEB tool version ## Veb Support List: ## 4.5.5_TOOLS_41 ## Aptio_5.x_TOOLS_24_6 ## Aptio_5.x_TOOLS_27 ## Aptio_5.x_TOOLS_28 ## Aptio_5.x_TOOLS_30_7 ## Aptio_5.x_TOOLS_31_1 ## Aptio_5.x_TOOLS_32_1 ## Aptio_5.x_TOOLS_34_1 ## Aptio_5.x_TOOLS_35 ## Aptio_5.x_TOOLS_35_1 ## Aptio_5.x_TOOLS_35_2 ## Aptio_5.x_TOOLS_37_1 ## Aptio_5.x_TOOLS_37_1_x64 ## Aptio_5.x_TOOLS_JRE_34_1 ## Aptio_5.x_TOOLS_40 ## %5 PROJECT_BUILD_BATCH=batch file name (w/ .bat) used for compiling ## instead of using build commands defined in .veb. ## Optional, give un-exist file name to disable. ## And for ## AaeonRemoteDeploy.bat %1 %2: ## %1 COPY_OPTION ## 0: For Gitlab remote deploy, copy all; 1: For local use, copy file listed; 2: Skip ## %2 PROJECT_SHA=SHA_FOLDER ## Name: Create SHA and Output folder; 0: Create Output folder only; 1: Create with short SHA ## Name example: ## $CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA: 8 chars ## $CI_COMMIT_SHA: Full sha PROJECT_REBUILD: 1 PROJECT_SHA: $CI_COMMIT_SHA PROJECT_VEB_FILE: BayTrail PROJECT_VEB_TOOL: Aptio_5.x_TOOLS_26 PROJECT_BUILD_BATCH: N/A ## Set to build.bat if project uses build.bat instead of make ## Patching NameTooLong issue. Optional, unmask if needed to change for project - ##GIT_CLONE_PATH: $CI_BUILDS_DIR\Build\$CI_CONCURRENT_ID\$GITLAB_USER_ID\$CI_PROJECT_ID ## Release variables for #################################################### ## AaeonRemotePreRelease.bat via environment ## PROJECT_RELEASE_DIR: Path to release folder ## PROJECT_CHANGELOG: Path to CHANGELOG file ## PROJECT_HISTORY: Path to History file ## PROJECT_FORMAL_HISTORY: Select to include internal commit message in History ## true/false - Show/hide internal messages [Test only] ## auto - Include internal messages only for beta version (refer to PROJECT_FORMAL_VERSION) ## PROJECT_FORMAL_VERSION: First formal release version in form of Major.Minor (ex: '1.0') ## When releasing a version - History.txt will be ## Same as formal - reset as first release ## Smaller than formal - appended with internal changes ## Larger than formal - appended w/o internal changes PROJECT_RELEASE_DIR: AaeonRelease PROJECT_CHANGELOG: CHANGELOG.md PROJECT_HISTORY: $PROJECT_RELEASE_DIR\History.txt PROJECT_FORMAL_HISTORY: auto PROJECT_FORMAL_VERSION: '1.0' ## PROJECT_ONEDRIVE_RELATIVE_FOLDER: Folder name on Onedrive to release BIOS. ## Useful for ODM project's name is different with Onedrive folder name. This happens when - ## Project's name is too short, or conflict with other project's name ## Project's name is changed, but for some reason Onedrive folder is not changed accordingly ##PROJECT_ONEDRIVE_RELATIVE_FOLDER: 'Some fixed string' ## PROJECT_SIGN_ON_FORM: Form to dynamically generate sign-on message in History.txt ## Possible phrases ## $(TOKEN) - To be replaced by parsed token. Support AAEON_MODEL_NAME, SYSTEM_PRODUCT_NAME, PROJECT_NAME ## {{signon_tag}} - To be replaced by BIOS tag. Ex: K860AM10 ## {{signon_major}} - To be replaced by major version parsed from BIOS tag. Ex: 1 ## {{signon_minor}} - To be replaced by minor version parsed from BIOS tag. Ex: 0 ## Optional, unmask if needed to change for customizing - ##PROJECT_SIGN_ON_FORM: '$$(AAEON_MODEL_NAME) R{{signon_major}}.{{signon_minor}}({{signon_tag}}) ({{signon_date}})' ## ReleaseDbg variables #################################################### ## This feature will be enabled when either one of following files presents in project: ## - AaeonPlatformDebugger\AaeonPlatformDebugger.sdl ## - DebugEnable.sdl ## ## PROJECT_DEBUG_CIF_PATH: Path to a .cif containing file name of .sdl file. ## Default use one in AaeonRemoteBuildPkg with DebugEnable.sdl ## PROJECT_DEBUG_SDL_PATH: Path to a .sdl containing AMI SDL tokens to enable debug mode. ## Default use one in AaeonRemoteBuildPkg ## Optional, unmask if needed to change for project - ##PROJECT_DEBUG_CIF_PATH: %REMOTE_BUILD_PATH%\DebugEnable\DebugEnable.cif ##PROJECT_DEBUG_SDL_PATH: %REMOTE_BUILD_PATH%\DebugEnable\DebugEnable.sdl ##PROJECT_DEBUG_SDL_PATH: DebugEnable.sdl ## (Example for using one added in project root) # Overriding other configurations # Refer to https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/includes.html#override-included-configuration-values for more detail # Example - Overriding deployed file list .build_files: extends: - .build_template # To obtain "script" key which is required in all job. artifacts: paths: - '*.[Bb][Ii][Nn]' - 'build.log' - '_Aaeon_Release\*.[Bb][Ii][Nn]' - 'Build\Token.*' - 'Build\[Pp]latform.*' - 'Build\GSIOSETUPVAR.*' - 'Build\*.inf' - 'Build\PCIBRDSDL.*' - 'Build\SIOBRDSDL.*' - 'Build\*.hfr' - 'Build\*.vfr' - 'Build\*.asl' - 'Build\*.uni' - 'Build\*.sd' - 'Build\*.mak' - 'Build\*.h' - 'Build\git-cliff\*' ## for PreRelease result - 'Build\AmiCrbMeRoms\*' ## for AMI CRB Binary - 'AmiFspBinaryBuildTemp\Token.*' - 'AmiFspBinaryBuildTemp\Platform.*' - 'AmiFspBinaryBuildTemp\*.mak' expire_in: 1day when: always