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To keep from typing "Terminal Emulator for Android" over and over again, this document will use the abbreviation "TEA" to stand for "Terminal Emulator for Android".

Download the Software Needed to Build Terminal Emulator for Android

TEA is built using:

Telling Gradle where to find the Android NDK and SDK

Android Studio and the gradle build tool need to know where to find the NDK and SDK on your computer.

Create a file in the root directiory of the TEA project that contains this text:


On my personal dev machine the file looks like this, but of course it will be different on your machine, depending upon your OS, user name, directory tree, and version of the NDK that you have installed.


In addition, if you are building from the command line, the scripts in the "tools" directory expect the environment variable ANDROID_SDK_ROOT to be defined.

On my personal dev machine I have this line in my .profile:

export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/Users/jack/Library/Android/sdk

Installing required SDK Packages

In order to build, in addition to a current SDK version, TEA requires the Android 3.0 (API 11) version of the Android SDK to be installed.

You can install it by running the following command-line script:


Or you can run Android Studio and choose Configure > SDK Manager, then choose the "Android 3.0 (API 11) > SDK Platform" package.

Building TEA

You can build TEA two ways:

  1. Using the Android Studio IDE
  2. Using the "gradlew" command line tool

Using Android Studio is convenient for development. Using "gradlew" is convenient for automated testing and publishing.

Building TEA with Android Studio

  1. Open Android Studio
  2. Choose "Open an existing Android Studio project" from the "Quick Start" wizard.
  3. Choose the top-level TEA directory. (If you installed the source code from github, this directory will be named Android-Terminal-Emulator).
  4. Use the Android Studio menu "Run : Run 'term'" to build and run the app.

Building TEA from the command line

  1. Make sure a file exists at the root of the TEA source tree. Android Studio will create this file automaticaly. If you don't want to run Android Studio, you can create this file manually with the paths of your local sdk and ndk installations. For my machine that's:

    sdk.dir=/Users/jack/Library/Android/sdk ndk.dir=/Users/jack/code/android-ndk-r10d

  2. Open a command line shell window and navigate to the main TEA directory.

  3. Build

    $ ./tools/build-debug

  4. Copy the built executable to a device:

    $ ./tools/push-and-run-debug